Reflect back over the past eight weeks and describe how the achievement of the course outcomes in this course have prepared you to meet the MSN program outcome #4, the MSN Essential IV, and the Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies # 7.

In the past seven weeks, this course has taught me important concepts that enhance my understanding in the health promotion of numerous conditions affecting the primary care setting. We learned to optimize one’s health through disease prevention and treatment implementation for neurological issues, pulmonary conditions, cardiovascular and hematological problems, mental health, and inflammatory disorders. This course has helped me achieve the master’s program outcome number four, the Master’s Essential IV, and the Nurse Practitioner Core Competency number seven competency. Health Delivery System Competencies Reflection Sample essays


Master’s Program Outcome #4: Integrating professional values via scholarship and the provision of service in healthcare


In this course, we achieved the program’s outcome of professional identity by analyzing how primary care practice is organized and influenced by ethical, legal, economic, and political factors (Chamberlain University, 2019). Through evaluation of clinical cases and research, I was able to integrate professional values and thus, develop professional identity as a family nurse practitioner (FNP). The professional core values of a nurse practitioner was not only learned in theory, but implemented in practice as well. Integrating the professional core values of compassion, trustworthiness, and  accountability in clinical practice helped further my development of professionalism and my identity as a FNP. One instance in which I had exposure to this outcome was during my clinical rotation when I addressed a young female with bulimia nervosa disorder. It was evident that she was extremely anxious and expressed concern about her body image and eating habits. It was important to allow her to openly communicate about her emotions. While it was difficult to address all of her concerns in a time-constraint environment, I did the best I could to provide compassion and give her ample time to talk and ask questions about her treatment plan. Developing the trust and respect between myself and the patient was critical in optimizing her health outcome. Another instance that helped achieve this particular outcome was in the implementation of treatment plans for patients who struggled to obtain proper services in healthcare. During my clinical rotations, I had a patient who had multiple comorbidities and came in with a chief complaint of constipation. Through imaging, she was found to have bile duct cancer and had issues getting an initial evaluation appointment with an oncologist. Instead of placing another referral that would take a significant amount of time to address the patient’s issue, we placed a call to an oncologist colleague to expedite the care and accommodate for the patient. Furthermore, she was also counseled and supported with financial resources.


Master’s Essential IV: Transforming and incorporating scholarship into practice


The Master’s Essential IV of transforming and incorporating scholarship into practice was also met during this course through interdisciplinary team participation, application of research outcomes within the primary care setting, dissemination of research results, and utilization of practice guidelines to improve health outcomes (American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN], 2011). This particular master’s essential was heavily emphasized throughout this course by using reliable sources of information, applying national guidelines, and integrating clinical judgment and perspectives of other professionals for treatment plans of various illnesses (AACN, 2011). For example, we applied different evidence-based clinical guidelines to help formulate treatment plans for patients in the weekly discussion posts. Case studies of different illnesses, such as pulmonary, cardiovascular, and mental health disorders, during week 2 and 3 were heavily discussed and supported with the latest recommendations of scholarly research, as well as national treatment guidelines from healthcare associations and governmental agencies, including the American Heart Association, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the American Psychological Association. Applying these practice guidelines to improve practice fulfilled incorporating scholarship into the primary care practice. This master’s essential was also fulfilled in a second example during week 6 where we were assigned mental health disorder case studies to present. Various mental health disorders were discussed and supported by reliable sources and each peer took on a leadership position to facilitate the discussion throughout the week. As leader of an assigned topic, I responded to peers and demonstrated my knowledge of the mental health disorder through d

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