Reduction of Readmissions in Nursing Homes

Quality improvement initiatives are critical in ensuring that patients receive the best care possible. One of the most common initiatives is the reduction of readmissions in nursing homes. In order to achieve this goal, nursing homes can implement various strategies. Among the options is to provide more comprehensive discharge planning, which includes a thorough assessment of the patient’s needs and the development of a personalized care plan. Additionally, nursing homes can improve communication between staff members and increase the frequency of follow-up appointments with patients after they have been discharged. Therefore, quality improvement initiatives in nursing homes must be based on reducing readmission rates, with the purpose of it being a substantial reduction of facility costs and an increase in patient satisfaction.


First, it is necessary to accentuate the fact of the detrimental impact and frequency of readmissions. At an estimated cost of more than $28 billion, one in five Medicare patients who are released from the hospital obtains post-acute treatment in a skilled nursing institution (Burke et al., 2022). A readmission is related to a tripled death rate within six months, and nearly one-quarter of patients who are admitted to nursing homes are readmitted to the clinic within 30 days (Burke et al., 2022). As a result, many nursing homes and healthcare institutions strive to incorporate initiatives that would protect vulnerable populations and decrease the rate of hospital readmissions.

As can be seen from the discussion, the target population for the quality improvement initiative is the elderly residents of nursing homes. These individuals are often frail and have multiple chronic conditions (McHugh et al., 2021). As a result, they are at high risk of readmission to the hospital. By implementing the quality improvement initiative by reducing readmissions through comprehensive discharge planning and communication between the staff and patients, nursing homes can improve the quality of care provided to these vulnerable patients.

The benefits of the quality improvement initiative are numerous. Firstly, it can reduce the number of hospital readmissions, which can be stressful and disruptive for patients and their families. Secondly, it can improve the quality of care provided to patients, resulting in better health outcomes. Thirdly, by a decrease in the requirement for hospitalization it might reduce healthcare expenses. Finally, it will be possible to increase patient satisfaction by providing better care and reducing the need for hospitalization. Overall, discharge planning and proper communication can significantly change the trajectory of care and be preventive tools if used properly.

The implementation of the quality improvement initiative requires interprofessional collaboration. In the given situation, it is quite challenging to implement the initiative without the collaboration of all stakeholders. Nurses, physicians, social workers, and other healthcare professionals must work together to develop an effective plan that would holistically address the physical and psychological needs of each patient. The nursing home administrator must additionally be involved in the process to ensure that the initiative aligns with the goals of the facility. Collaboration with external stakeholders, such as hospitals and community organizations, may also be necessary.

However, what additionally requires analysis is the cost of incorporating the plan. The cost of implementing the quality improvement initiative must be justified. In the given situation, when focusing on such steps as improving communication between the patients and staff, follow-up interactions, and discharge planning, the costs will involve many factors. Among the costs associated with the initiative will be staff time, training, equipment, and supplies. While it is necessary to incorporate software for proper discharge planning, it will additionally be necessary to provide training with an expert and ensure the maintenance and setup of the programs. However, the cost of readmissions to the hospital is often much higher than the cost of implementing the initiative. Annually, fines of up to $528 million were assessed to approximately 79% of American health institutions (Ye et al., 2022). Therefore, by reducing the number of readmissions, nursing homes can save money in the long run.

Finally, the quality improvement initiative must be evaluated to determine its effectiveness. The evaluation should be based on measurable outcomes, such as the number of readmissions, patient satisfaction, and healthcare costs (McHugh et al., 2021). If any of the metrics will decrease, such a result will indicate that the facility is at risk and it requires further improvement. On the opposite, if readmissions decrease, patient satisfaction is significantly improved, and co

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