Question Write a 3-5 page blog post titled, “Conflict and Power” that explains how individual perceptions of power can create conflict situations between law enforcement and members of a community. Use the relational theory of power to explain how perceptions affect the ability to resolve conflict. Then, identify a conflict resolution strategy and predict the outcome. Although an actual blog would not have any specific formatting, format this assessment following APA guidelines.

Conflict and Power

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Conflict and Power
Power has a role in conflict, just as the sun does in daylight. Power may generate tension or produce disputes between two entities, and this is solely dependent on how other individuals perceive power and who possesses it. During a conflict, one side often has greater power than the other. However, how each individual perceives this varies. Each individual has a unique perspective on power. A chief executive officer, for instance, may wield a great deal of power in comparison to an office clerk, yet a secretary may see the office clerk as holding more power than they do. This is the same thing with conflicts between law enforcement and community members. Since they carry a gun, law enforcement officers may seem to have greater power. However, they could also wield greater influence as a result of their willingness to place their lives at risk. Conversely, a law enforcement officer may see a community member as possessing greater power than themselves since their activities are constantly overseen. If the police break the law, the citizen may report it to the command chain, resulting in the officer losing his job or even imprisonment. The capability to generate desired results, as well as the capacity to impact other people’s conduct and reject other people’s influence efforts, is referred to as power (Hocker & Wilmot, 2018).


Factors that Contribute to Conflict Situations between Law Enforcement and Citizens
There are a variety of causes that might lead to a clash between law enforcement and citizens. Individuals may be afraid of the police or wary of them, which may affect perceptions before interaction. Numerous people face unpleasant conditions daily as a result of drug and alcohol matters or mental illness. Because law enforcement officers are usually equipped for more “critical” scenarios, like hostage negotiations or emergency operations, they are sometimes unprepared to manage more “trivial” matters (Range, n.d.). Conversely, the public is apprehensive of the police and has a hard time trusting them. In particular, race is a significant point of contention between law enforcement and the general public. All policemen are under examination as a result of certain officers abusing police tactics.
Additionally, there is a power imbalance between police officers and the wider community. A stressful and unpleasant first encounter between law enforcement and a citizen might occur. This is not to say that a peaceful settlement is not possible. In a law enforcement/civilian conflict, power might shift from one side to another for any cause. In the case of a small offense, including a traffic violation, the policeman appears to have more power than the driver. The person in the car, on the other hand, may seem to have additional power than the police since if a violation is made, the officer’s employment may be jeopardized. Citizens may perceive themselves as having little power and, as a result, are inclined to remain silent on the matter, even if they disapprove. This might end up making it seem as though they concur when they really do not (Hocker & Wilmot, 2018). In a much more serious dispute, the officer should attempt to ensure that all sides have power since this will increase the likelihood of their engaging in a dialogue to resolve matters (Hocker & Wilmot, 2018).
Theoretical Perspectives of Conflicts
A lot of factors may influence one’s capacity to settle a conflict. One way conflict resolution may be hampered if an individual incorrectly evaluates their power (Hocker & Wilmot, 2018). Individuals may also try to downplay that they have power, making it harder to tackle an issue whenever its existence is disregarded. In a conflict between a policeman and a civilian, power may be uneven; nonetheless, except for circumstances involving uneven physical power and force, power is a component of the social interaction instead of a trait of the person (Hocker & Wilmot, 2018). This demonstrates why, according to the relational theory of power, power is measured in terms of physical attributes and personality, and deeds. Each individual has a unique perspective on power and how it should be handled. Some people believe that individuals should act as if the power does not exist, while others believe that if the power exists, it should be used.


Conflict Resolution Strategies
People may try to resolve conflicts in a variety of ways. One technique for resolving disputes is to provide law enforcement with the necessary abilities to deal with trivial incidents. Because numerous individuals cope with a variety of challenges, predicting what will happen in a given ci

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