Question: What is the role of the nurse in providing input for the design of this healthcare program? Can you provide examples?


Answer: I believe that nurses play critical roles in providing inputs on the Montefiore Einstein Cardiac Wellness Program. Firstly, nurses can assist in the development of appropriate interventions for obtaining participants for the program. For example, nurses can provide input on the use of interventions such as health educational campaigns to create awareness among the population on the existence of the program. Nurses can also assist in developing the goals that must be achieved by the program. I have learned from my experience that goal development entails ensuring that the program addresses the critical needs of the target population. An example of the ways in which nurses can assist in goal development is ensuring that the goals align with the outcomes of the program. The other example is nurses comparing the proposed interventions with the objectives to determine any need for a revision or change in strategies or objectives. Nurses also ensure that the needs of the target populations are prioritized in the design of the healthcare program. Nurses utilize information from needs assessment to determine the actual needs of the target populations and the ways in which they can be addressed in the program. Lastly, nurses provide inputs on the resources needed for the successful design and implementation of the program. For instance, they provide information about materials and human resources that are required for the successful implementation of the program (Fulton & Holly, 2021). Therefore, nurses are critical in the design of the program.

Question: What is your role as an advocate for your target population for this healthcare program? Do you have input into design decisions? How else do you impact design?

I play a number of roles as an advocate for the target populations in the Montefiore Einstein Cardiac Wellness Program. One of the roles is health education. I provide the populations with and at risk of heart attack health education on the importance of the program in promoting their health and wellbeing. I also educate them about the benefits of lifestyle and behavioral change to minimize cardiovascular risks. My other role as an advocate entails ensuring the protection of the rights of those with and at risk of cardiovascular health problems. I ensure that the right of the target population to safe, high quality and efficient care is protected. I also ensure that barriers to care for the population are addressed. I also play the role of linking them with the available resources in the community. I explore the available resources such as social support groups for people with cardiovascular problems to ensure that they cope with their health problems. I have input in the design decisions. I provide my inputs on the resources, goals, objectives and strategies that are needed to address the needs of those with cardiovascular problems (Stanhope & Lancaster, 2019).

Question: What is the role of the nurse in healthcare program implementation? How does this role vary between design and implementation of healthcare programs? Can you provide examples?

Answers: I believe that nurses play several roles in the implementation of healthcare programs. One of the roles is the actual implementation of the program. Nurses work with other program stakeholders in implementing program interventions. Nurses also manage change. They ensure that interventions such as active stakeholder participation are utilized to manage resistance to change (Banerjee et al., 2017). Nurses also act as mentors and supervisors in the implementation process. They provide the adopters of a program with the needed guidance for the successful implementation of a program. The roles of nurses in program design vary from those of implementation. The design phase entails the development of strategies, resources and objectives of the program. The implementation phase entails the use of resources to achieve the project objectives (Beeber et al., 2019). An example is the use of resources such as skilled workforce from the design phase in the implementation phase to achieve project outcomes.

Question: Who are the members of a healthcare team that you believe are most needed to implement a program? Can you explain why?

Answer: The healthcare team that is needed to implement the Montefiore Einstein Cardiac Wellness Program includes community nurses and dieticians. The team members such as community nurses will recruit participants for the program while dieticians assist in dietary education to the target audience.


In summary, the Montefiore Einstein Cardiac Wellness Program is an effective program that contributes to the health and wellbeing of patients with cardiovascular problems. Nurses can play critical r

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