Question Submit a 3-4 page summary paper on the public policy meeting. Include headings in your paper that address these components: The purpose of the meeting, key participants, key agenda items, and meeting logistics Background information and a description about the committee One specific topic that was discussed at the meeting and an explanation of the committee process

Public Policy Meeting Assignment

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Public Policy Meeting Assignment
Purpose of the meeting, key participants, key agenda items, and meeting logistics
This policy meeting aimed to discuss disease pathologies and the financial impact of Alzheimer’s disease on the American people. The key participants were US Senator Patrick Toomey of Pennsylvania; Randall Bateman, a neurology professor at Washington University School of Medicine; Maria Cantwell, junior Senator from Washington; Tom Carper, the senior senator from Delaware; Maria Carrillo, Bill Cassidy, the senior senator from Lousiana; Dr Nikolay Dokholyan, a professor and vice-chair for research at Penn State College of medicine, Todd Young, the senior senator from Indiana; Debbie Stabenow, a senior senator from Michigan; and Bob Menendez, a senior senator from New Jersey. The key agenda item and meeting logistics is finding solutions for increased costs of care associated with treatment and care of Alzheimer’s disease and other mental conditions. In addition, the introduction of machine learning and artificial intelligence was identified to help spearhead the search for better diagnostics and more affordable treatment options for Alzheimer’s disease.


Background information and a description of the committee
This policy meeting’s hosting organization was the Senate Finance Subcommittee on Health Care. It first aired on December 16, 2020, and last aired on December 19, 2020, and it took place in Washington, District of Columbia, United States. The Senate Finance Subcommittee on Health Care is one of the six subcommittees within the Senate Committee on Finance. The Subcommittee oversees a wide range of issues affecting children, youth, and families, such as Head Start, child care and child support programs like the Child Care and Development Block Grant, the Family Medical Leave Act, National Service, women’s and children’s healthcare, and other concerns affecting children, youth, and families (United States Senate, 2021).
Topic that was discussed and an explanation of the committee process
One of the topics discussed was how Alzheimer’s disease had posed a financial problem to the healthcare system. Senator Pat adds that once a person has been exposed to the sickness, there is no therapeutic strategy that can halt or treat it. According to research by the National Institute of Ageing, the yearly cost of dementia is estimated to reach over 379 billion annually by the year 2040, Senator Pat Toomey said. The fact that key healthcare and research entities handling Alzheimer’s and other mental health problems do not get their due amount of financing is the biggest impediment to advancement. Rapid and precise testing may aid in early diagnosis of the condition, averting neurological degeneration in the patient. Machine learning and artificial intelligence may aid in the development of improved diagnoses and more cost-effective treatment solutions. Dr Randall Bateman adds that with proper support, these goals may be readily met since industry participants will work together to treat disease pathologies effectively. Stays in hospitals are four times greater and many times more expensive for these problems than for many other illnesses, according to Maria Carrillo. As a result, early intervention and improved management methods may help patients save money.
Analysis of the key stakeholder positions related to Alzheimer’s disease financial impact
Everyone agreed that the increased costs of care and research on Alzheimer’s calls for immediate intervention in the field of healthcare. They all agreed early intervention and better management practices can help reduce the cost burden for patients and that machine learning and artificial intelligence may aid in the development of improved diagnoses and more cost-effective treatment solutions. They also analyzed the reasons as to why there increased costs pertaining to Alzheimer’s disease, and all agreed that something needs to be done about it.
Key interactions that occurred at the meeting
The key interaction that caught my interest was when they discussed the solutions and steps taken to improve this situation. One of the solutions was that some states have tried to cut off costs related to Alzheimer’s treatment options. In addition, some states tried to improve the situation by making basement diagnostic available to the public and ensure the ability to detect the disease before urological decay begins to provide an essential opportunity for innovative drugmakers to come up with treatment.
Outcomes of the meeting, including the specific topic focus
They all established the reasons as to why Alzheim

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