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Chlamydia and Erythromycin Relationship Analysis
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Chlamydia is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by the bacterium Chlamydia trachomatis. It is often spread during intercourse without a condom or by using sex toys used by an infected person. On the other hand, Erythromycin is a drug that is used in the treatment of a wide range of bacterial infections. It may also be used to keep some bacterial illnesses at bay. Erythromycin is a kind of macrolide antibiotic. It acts by preventing bacterial development. Only bacterial illnesses are treated or prevented by this antibiotic. Professionally speaking Erythromycin which is used to treat various bacterial infections can be used to treat Chlamydia. The pharmacotherapeutics relationship between Chlamydia and Erythromycin is evident because Chlamydia gives the clinical indication or purpose of administering Erythromycin to a patient (Aschenbrenner, 2012).
Furthermore, both Chlamydia and Erythromycin poses a risk factor for pregnant women. Chlamydia throughout pregnancy has been related to ectopic pregnancy, pelvic inflammatory, low birth weight, premature labor, and an early burst of the membranes. During vaginal birth, mothers can transmit Chlamydia to their infants. On the other hand, Erythromycin is a category B risk factor which means that there are no fatal risks when a pregnant woman uses Erythromycin except for the normal side effects like dark skin, pale stools, hives, itching, yellowing of the eyes or skin, severe skin rash, wheezing, etc. (Brucker et al., 2021).
Apart from the pharmacotherapeutics relationship between Chlamydia and Erythromycin. Erythromycin is used as a medication for Chlamydia; this means that the drug is taken into the body to cure the body. Erythromycin is a proven cure for Chlamydia and even pregnant mothers are sometimes advised to take the drug to avoid infecting their infants in case infection can occur. To conclude, the relationship between a drug and a disease is based on the pharmacotherapeutics relationship and the ability of the drug to cure the disease.


Brucker, T., Ho, E., Gibson, J., Bolt, B. and Garza, A., 2021. Erythromycin | RxWiki. [online] rxwiki. Available at: [Accessed 14 September 2021].
Aschenbrenner, D. S. (2012). Pharmacotherapeutics, pharmacokinetics, and pharmacodynamics. In Drug Therapy in Nursing (pp. 41-56). Wolters Kluwer Health Adis (ESP).

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