Question List three effective leadership traits, and then describe them by objectively defining the behaviors involved in each. Discuss whether these are traits you have observed in other leaders or if they are behaviors you would exhibit as a leader

Effective Leadership Traits
Institution Affiliation

An impactful and successful leader has a variety of qualities and personality traits that makes him or her different from everyone else who is not as much of an effective leader as them. These traits are achieved by a leader’s proactiveness and self-drive in achieving whatever it is they put their mind to (Madanchian et al., 2017). This essay will look at three types of leadership traits and evaluate whether I would exhibit them as a leader.


Effective leadership requires one to be an honest individual of unquestionable integrity. This makes the individual trustworthy, open, and reliable in their interactions. Being reliable and honest is beneficial for both the organization and the leader as an individual as decision making will be made with absolute care and concern; better decisions by management will be made, hence, growth and development will be achieved (Ardueser & Lehenbauer, 2020). This is a vital trait that should be applied by any individual aiming to be a leader.
A leader also is required to have idealized influence as a trait. This refers to a high degree of influence on the individual he or she leads in an involves being a good role model by adopting high ethical standards and acceptable moral and social behavior. Through this, the leader instills trust, pride and is awarded respect by the people looking up to him or her (Ardueser & Lehenbauer, 2020). I would exhibit this as a leader as through the respect given and pride assumed by juniors, they would be motivated to work hard and achieve consistent growth.
An effective leader is highly competent in their duties and drives to achieve client satisfaction through clean and professional work (Ardueser & Lehenbauer, 2020). High competence is exhibited by knowledge and intelligence emotional stability, ability to experience and learn new things, and having a good conscience; all qualities I would dutifully exhibit to provide motivation to the teams I would be leading.

Ardueser, C., & Lehenbauer, K. (2020). Traits of Effective Leaders: A Literature Review. Research Association for Interdisciplinary Studies Working papers, (021al).
Madanchian, M., Hussein, N., Noordin, F., & Taherdoost, H. (2017). Leadership effectiveness measurement and its effect on organization outcomes. Procedia Engineering, 181, 1043-1048.



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