Question Include provide a description of the methods to be used to implement the proposed solution the following: 1. Describe the setting and access to potential subjects. If there is a need for a consent or approval form, then one must be created. Although you will not be submitting the consent or approval forms in Topic 5 with the narrative, you will include the consent or approval forms in the appendices for the final paper.

Evidence-Based Practice Proposal: Part E – Implementation Plan

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Evidence-Based Practice Proposal: Part E – Implementation Plan
There are several factors to implementing any change in a healthcare institution. Various characters, stages, barriers, or difficulties, as well as drivers, are all involved in the process (Sanders et al., 2014). The techniques that will be used to achieve the suggested solution are the subject of this section. The solution is related to the issue that was discovered with the hypothesis statement previously. There are several drawbacks to using medicinal intervention to reduce agitation in dementia patients. The most effective remedy entails a shift in behavior. As a result, the utilization of alternative remedies would be critical in the recovery process.
Setting and Access to Potential Subjects
Five major care facilities will be monitored as the proposed improvements are implemented. The individuals’ participation in the research will be entirely voluntary. The advertisement will run for one week to ensure that as many individuals with dementia as possible are aware of the message. All research involving human subjects is obliged to get informed permission from all issues (Barber, 2018). All dementia patients over the age of 65 will be requested to complete an informed consent form indicating their desire to participate in the research. The patient’s signature on the record shows that they have been informed about the study’s expectations.
Time needed
It is critical to keep a definite period in mind when addressing the problem of physical activity in dementia patients. The use of workouts in dementia patients will be essential in lowering agitation. The whole project will take nine weeks to complete.
Resources Needed
Resources are required during the implementation phase to make work simpler. The procedure necessitates the creation of a budget to cover the price of the resources necessary. The execution phase is one of the most costly, and many change initiatives have failed as a consequence of failing to gather all of the resources required. The following resources will be required in order to apply the recommended strategies to minimize the incidence of agitation in dementia patients. Physical instructors, who will be responsible for the cardiovascular exercise and the physical facilities required for training, and medical physicians and dieticians, will be the first and most significant resources.
Methods and Instruments for Monitoring the Implementation
The utilization of a questionnaire will be the primary tool used to assess the execution of the proposed solution. Patients will be asked to complete these questions once a month. The approach is chosen because it allows for quick analysis (Barber, 2018). Many healthcare organizations’ personnel and leadership are also acquainted with this strategy. The usage of the questionnaire will also be critical since it will reduce the study’s cost. Because the number of photocopying the documents will be restricted, the price will be decreased (Yarosh et al., 2014).
Process of Intervention Delivery
The suggested solution will be delivered using an integrated way. Behavior modification, dietary education, and participation in physical activities are among the necessary treatments to be employed. The participants will be taught how to eat healthily for the workouts and what kind of activities to do to minimize straining (Hill, Jones & Schilling, 2014). Without leaving anybody behind, all of the individuals will take part in the intervention. Simple chores will be selected at the start, progressing to more sophisticated workouts as time goes on to build their muscles and recoup lost energy.


Data Collection Plan
Data will be gathered constantly throughout the data collecting phase via the use of a questionnaire during the study’s eight-week duration. After being exposed to the intervention, the respondents will be the information source on their development (Hill, Jones & Schilling, 2014). Every week, the respondents will fill out a form with the outcomes of the physical activities they completed. The findings will show if the intervention was successful in lowering agitation during the first two to three hours. The information gathered will be put into excel spreadsheets.
Strategies to Deal with Challenges
The study’s key problems are high training expenditures and a shortage of physical training resources. Due to the high cost of nutritious food, many ill individuals cannot afford it. During the exercise time, the patients will be expected to consume a healthy diet, which will be an expense (Barber, 2018). B

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