QUESTION-Frequency distributions can be graphed with bar charts, histograms or polygons. Choose one variable from the “Health Behavior Data Set” and discuss which type of graph is appropriate and why. Refer to section 2.3 in the Using and Interpreting Statistics: A Practical Text for the Behavioral, Social, and Health Sciences textbook as needed for assistance.

Topic 2 DQ 1 – Classmate (Samantha) There are different types of graphs that shows frequency. It would depend on. The numbers that would indicate what graph needs to be used. Choosing which graph to use depends on whether the numbers are discrete or continuous. If the numbers are discrete, use a bar graph. If the data are continuous, use a histogram or a frequency polygon (Corty 2016). A variable from the Health Behavior Data set from our textbook is Sex. It’s labeled as a discrete variable because it’s more straight to the point than the other variables that would be considered continuous. An appropriate graph for the Sex variable would be a bar graph. Bar graphs are used to demonstrate the frequency with which the different values of discrete variables occur (Corty 2016). Another variable example with the perfect use of a bar graph could be the comparison of countries. It only takes certain values. An example for this variable and a bar graph could be comparing the number of people in teenage population (age 13-17) in each country. Its very specific and straight to the point. Bar graphs are important to help organize data. Its simple and important of seeing the comparison and variables (Ian 2010).

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