Question For this assessment, you will evaluate the preliminary care coordination plan you developed in Assessment 1 using best practices found in the literature. Instructions Note: You are required to complete Assessment 1 before this assessment. For this assessment: • Build on the preliminary plan, developed in Assessment 1, to complete a comprehensive care coordination plan.

Final Care Coordination Plan
When it comes to providing healthcare services in today’s environment, care coordination is a crucial part of the process. It is being done in an attempt to resolve the difficult problems that the experts in this sector are experiencing. Poor patient outcomes, Cost of service provision and substandard quality are all issues that need to be addressed. These shortcomings lead to an increase in medical mistakes, as well as an increase in human suffering and resource consumption. Therefore, care coordination offers the community an opportunity to gain from a recovery-focused and collaborative service delivery model to address these issues (World Health Organization, 2018). This cooperation is the result of a purposeful arrangement of a client’s care plan with two or more partners in order to provide suitable, coordinated, and sufficient service provision to the patient in question. The care coordination team in this case would include the patient, nurse, physician, and the caregiver. Care coordination guarantees that a comprehensive approach to care is taken as a result of this coordinated treatment that includes a multidisciplinary approach to care (World Health Organization, 2016).
Providing patient-centered care in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a complex effort that entails more than simply appropriate diagnosis and management of the illness. To offer the best possible treatment, it is necessary to have a multidisciplinary connection amongst health care professionals. This cooperation is concerned with the patient’s objectives to meet the patient’s requirements. It takes into account both emotional and physical requirements in order to enhance the overall quality of care.

Patient Health Issues
 Smoking is one of the most common triggers of COPD. Aside from being the source of severe flare-ups, the habit causes damage to the lining of the lung, air sacs, and the airways themselves .It is hard for the lungs to move air in and out as a result of this damage, which causes breathing to be a major difficulty(Johansson et al., 2019). About 650 million individuals, or half of the world’s smokers, will die as a result of their tobacco usage. Mr. X’s health is very concerned as a result of this situation. Individuals who smoke cigarettes have a higher chance of dying from any cause. However, there is a great deal of potential for affecting the natural history of the disease after treatment has been discontinued (Bai et al., 2017).
Smokers are rapidly being denied treatment by doctors on the grounds that they are ethically accountable for their illnesses, which is becoming more and more widespread. The ethical responsibility that practitioners have to provide just and inclusive care to all clients cannot also be overstated. Whenever a patient fails to carry out medical decisions for improved health, the care coordination team, which includes the nurse, physician, patient and caregiver, is morally obligated to provide the care and resources that are required to restore health. According to Gratziou (2017), quitting smoking has been shown to improve results in COPD patients. The World Medical Association clarifies that every health practitioner has the legal right to offer the treatment without regard to race, gender, or ethnicity (Senderovich, 2016). A smoking cessation approach, as it pertains to the ethical perspective, is needed as a key step on the road to rehabilitation, and this is why it is necessary.
The participation of the patient’s family is essential in developing a treatment plan for him or her. My initial plan of care is to encourage the client to tell his family and friends of his or her decision to stop smoking. The patient has already shown the willingness to stop smoking, and I am set to help him in this endeavor by providing him with applicable health teachings. These health teachings would include encouraging him to avoid triggers, engage in physical activity to get distracted, practice relaxation techniques, and remind himself the benefits of tobacco cessation. He will also be required to put down the grounds for his decision to quit smoking to enable him become goal-driven to maintain his healthy and balanced way of living. It is also advisable to tell him that it is Okay to try to stop more than once, even if they do not manage on the first effort to quit. When it comes to protecting others from secondhand smoking, he will make certain that his house and vehicle are smoke-free zones and that any ashtrays are removed from the premises. If at all possible, he is obliged to frequent smoke-free establishments such as public places and restaurants. Mr. X will also get medicines for his addiction and to assist alleviate the symptoms of withdrawal from his main care physician via the primary care physician.
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