Question Find an example of Medieval Chant on YouTube, Spotify, or another source of your choice. Listen to the work and write your initial post: Give the name of the work and a link to listen. Give a description of the work using the musical terms we’ve covered in the book and the course so far.

Medieval Chant
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Medieval Chant
Gregorian chant is a significant example of Gregorian music written within the traditional Western plainchant. It is regarded as a form unaccompanied monophonic sacred song within Latin words and somehow Latin that originated from the Roman Catholic Church (Maessen & Kranenburg, 2018). The Gregorian chant was primarily developed within the Central and Western Europe during the 10th as well as the 9th centuries.
There were certain musical terms that were utilized in describing the Gregorian chants. For instance, “ambitus” was a musical term that included a typical melodic feature that characterized an intervallic relative pattern that referenced an incipit and referential mode, in addition to cadences. The “Gregorian chants also utilized the reciting tones at a certain distance that mostly involved the utilization of other melody notes that revolved around vocabularies that involved musical motifs that were mostly woven jointly through a centonization process for establishing families of associated chants (Maessen & Kranenburg, 2018). In music, centonization is a widespread technique mostly utilized within the Gregorian chant for reflecting melodic formulas.
The Gregorian chant represents appropriate melodies s well a particular ornaments on particular musical tones that are sometimes usually referred as melody types (Maessen & Kranenburg, 2018). The originality of Gregorian chant composer relied on how he/she linked the musical formulas together in addition to elaborating upon each of them could function.
From a personal perspective, I think that that the Gregorian chant has significantly utilized Concerto as a classical composition of music for highlighting a solo musical instrument against a complete orchestra background. Besides, one can argue that the Gregorian significantly played a crucial role within a polyphony development. It can also be argued that Gregorian chant was a significant element of the Catholic worship during the middle ages.


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