QUESTION Discuss the Tourette syndrome in children: causes and treatment



Tourette syndrome is a neurological disorder that causes involuntary movements and sounds called tics. It can occur at any age, although it is most common in children and young adults. The exact cause of Tourette’s syndrome is unknown, but a variety of factors have been associated with the development of tics, including genetics, environmental factors, and brain chemistry abnormalities.

Tourette syndrome typically starts with minor symptoms such as grimacing or blinking quickly. Over time, these symptoms become more noticeable and may progress to more severe behaviors such as eye blinking or throat clearing. Severe cases of Tourette’s are characterized by uncontrollable vocalizations (called coprolalia) and motor movements (called copropraxia). These symptoms often appear soon after birth or in early childhood and can be accompanied by other medical conditions such as OCD or ADHD.

Treatments for Tourette syndrome are typically behavioral therapy and/or medication. Behavioral therapies include relaxation techniques such as biofeedback training or deep breathing exercises to help decrease stress levels which may contribute to tics. Medications used for treatment include antidepressants which address depression related symptoms; anti-psychotic medications which reduce hyperactivity; beta-blockers which reduce anxiety; stimulants which increase attention spans.

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