QUESTION Discuss Anorexia and related changes in brain function and behavior


Anorexia is a disorder characterized by a distorted perception of one’s body, resulting in an obsession with weight and food. It is also characterized by a loss of appetite, which may be accompanied by extreme hunger; decreased energy; a strong desire for thinness and/or losing weight; and a distorted self-image.

The most common symptoms of anorexia are extreme food refusal or restriction, unhealthy dieting behaviors, such as refusing to eat certain foods or severely restricting the number of calories consumed each day; extreme exercise dependence; a distorted body image; and disturbed moods.

Anorexic patients typically have normal or high intelligence levels and are often very active in school or at work. They typically start their dieting behavior before they reach puberty, but they continue it until menopause or beyond. People who develop anorexia nervosa often lose interest in activities they used to enjoy or that were important in forming relationships with others. They may also become socially isolated.



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