Question Annotated bibliography on the historical accuracy of the1993 movie Tombstone min of 4 scholarly sources with brief description of each

Annotated biography for Tombstone (film)
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McCormack, K. (2013). “Imagining “the Town too Tough to Die”: Tourism, Preservation,
and History in Tombstone, Arizona.”


The author explores the circulation of culture, preservation and economic exigencies in Tombstone. The author tries to demonstrate the various elements in the larger mystic west that resonate and circulate with the consumers of popular culture.
Petković, Danijela. (2018). (Im)possible martyrdom: Masculinity, aging, illness, and death
in Tombstone and Logan. Зборник радова Филозофског факултета у Приштини.
48. 121-150. 10.5937/ZRFFP48-18623.
The author examines Hannah Arendt’s famous claim of the impossibility of martyrdom in
the Nazi concentration camps while focusing on Western history. The author intersects
the normative masculinity with deliberating illness and death that allow the possibility of
Agnew, J. (2012). The Old West in fact and film: History versus Hollywood.
The author compares the realities presented in the Old West cultures of Indians, Cowboys, gunmen, lawmen and soldiers and their presentation in film. The author uses a comparative approach in layijng down the chain of events that took place in the town of Tombstone and the presentation in the screenplay. The author uses an interactive approach to determine whether the film Tombstone met the expectations of the viewers in relation to casting, directing, and the total representation of the events that took place in Tombstone, Arizona.
Young, R.B., Roberts, G.L., & Tefertiller, C. (2019). A Wyatt Earp Anthology: Long May
His Story Be Told. Denton: University of North Texas Press
The authors explores the character Wyatt Earp and the way he has been portrayed in
Various literally works and film ology. The authors retrace the Western history though
the Publication of Earp’s early life.

Agnew, J. (2012). The Old West in fact and film: History versus Hollywood
McCormack, K. (2013). “Imagining “the Town too Tough to Die”: Tourism, Preservation,
and History in Tombstone, Arizona.”
Petković, Danijela. (2018). (Im)possible martyrdom: Masculinity, aging, illness, and death
in Tombstone and Logan. Зборник радова Филозофског факултета у Приштини.
48. 121-150. 10.5937/ZRFFP48-18623.
Young, R.B., Roberts, G.L., & Tefertiller, C. (2019). A Wyatt Earp Anthology: Long May
His Story Be Told. Denton: University of North Texas Press


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