Question 5: Identify at least one national agency or organization that addresses the communicable disease chosen and describe how the organizations contribute to resolving or reducing the impact of disease. Answer: National Agencies or organizations working for addressing the communicable

diseases: Several nations through out the world identified Influenza as one of the serious diseases that need to be curbed of its spread. The high mortality rate of the disease is one of the serious concerns of the disease and has resulted in serious concerns of the same from variety of organizations through out. World health organization is working continuously for the surveillance and Response auditing. Other organizations like American Lung Association, Center for disease control and prevention do work on to prevent the spread of the Influenza and are working for limitng the disease. There are several partners for all these organizations and all of them together working for strengthening possibilities of the immunization network and also there is sufficient scope of monitoring and continuous surveillance of the same(Swayne,2009).

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