Question 4: Explain the role of the community health nurse (case finding, reporting, data collection, data analysis, and follow-up) and why demographic data are necessary to the health of the community. Answer: Role of the community health care nurses: 

Community health care nurses has a greater role to play in the context of the restricting the spread of the influenza disease. Community health care nurses will work on to restrict the spread of the disease by providing the necessary health care prevention knowledge to the people, they will provide the necessary vaccines to the vulnerable population. Apart from these aspects community health care nurses will also work for the monitoring and analyze the influenza cases, whose observations can work on to provide the necessary inputs for taking appropriate measures to restrict the spread of the Influenza disease in the regions. When effective medical care coupled with decent adaptable environement is provided there is good scope for the community health care nurses to deliver their duties more effectively to meet the objectives of restricting the disease spread

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