Question 3: Discuss the epidemiologic triangle as it relates to the communicable disease you have selected. Include the host factors, agent factors (presence or absence), and environmental factors. Are there any special considerations or notifications for the community, schools, or general population?


Answer: Epidemiological Triangle: Epidemiological triangle of the disease include variety of factors like host, causative agent as well as environmental factors. The host is the organism that is capable of accepting and developing the disease. In the case of the influenza disease the host is the human being, as it is human being that will be finally get impacted wih the virus. Secondly the causative factor that will create the disease is the microbe or the bacteria that will create the disease spread. In the case of Influencza there three different type of viruses causing three different type fo flus viz.., Type A, Type B and Type C type of Flus. Also a particular type of Influenza H1N1 is cuased by the cuastive factors of rapid mutation of the viruses. Environment for the spread of the disease include overcrowded areas, ineffective usage of the policies and also the insufficient seasoning factors. A special consideration is always there for community gatherings, schools and general population gatherings, since such crowded places will catalyzes the spread of the disease more. People will get the disease more easily when they are present in such locations as the susceptibility to receive the virus is more in these locations

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