question 2: Formulate one new comment of your own. It must be a logical and thoughtful response that synthesizes the comments of at least 3 classmates into one comment. Be sure to synthesize; do not simply reply to each of the 3 classmates. Access to Health Care in Rural Areas Essay

2nd post:

There are many principles for healthy communities that I value, however, for this discussion I will only focus on three of them. After reading the required reading, the principles that I find that matter the most to me in a healthy community are: “education-educating those on health matters, housing-making sure everyone has access to clean places to live to prevent the spread of bacteria, and environment-making a better environment for people to be heathier and thrive in.” (Healthy People 2020, 2020) These are important to me because these three are closely linked together as in without one the others fall. To specify, education is making health matters known and the prevention of the spread of diseases. Being aware of how to prevent the spread of bacteria can aid in the health of many people, as well as bringing awareness to issues and facts that they previously may have not known. Health education is important and without it the overall health of the population will decline. Housing is the second as many people that have no residences are more susceptible to diseases and bacterial infections. Housing is essentially the “setting of an individual’s everyday life and housing can ensure that the society one lives in creates conditions that can uphold the health of the individual.” (WHO, 1986) Housing is so much more than just a roof over one’s head, it is a place that a person can keep up with their health and thrive in a clean environment. Environment is next as it helps determine how healthy a person can be. The pollution of the environment that is filled with smog, gasses, trash, and dying wildlife can greatly affect the health of people. Without a clean and thriving environment, the people cannot become healthier as they will inhale the smog and gasses. People cannot also go for a walk and breathe in fresh air that is good for their lungs if trash is killing the wildlife and plants. Deterioration of the earth come the deterioration of health in people. Access to Health Care in Rural Areas Essay

I would tell the mayor that my community of North Las Vegas has a child obesity problem and this issue is influenced by the environment that surrounds them. “Research demonstrates 70% of obese children and adolescents ages 5 to 17 years old (y.o.) have at least one risk factor for CVD, and 39% could have two or more.” (DPBH, 2020) By fixing the issue of the environment, health education, and housing issues we can “create an environment that promotes good health for them to thrive in” (Blakely, 2020) The children are in need of a plan that goes much farther than eating healthier, what surrounds them will shape them. By cleaning up the environment in this community we can shape them to want to go outside and partake in healthy activities. This follows with making sure that they have housing in clean areas that we can educate them on health matters. My community is unhealthy by the trash that flows around no matter how many times we pick it up, the dust clouds and heavy pollution in the air also is a detrimental factor. The ways that my community is healthy is when they serve free healthy meals and provide clean areas and clothing to the children. The children also have access to a gated park with two playgrounds and many fields to exercise in. As the famous saying goes ‘it takes a village/community to raise a child’ and this community can do more by starting with their environment. Access to Health Care in Rural Areas Essay

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