QUESTION 2: Comment on the company’s decision to purchase a generic, off-the-shelf training package is a local vendor. What were the advantages and disadvantages? Do you think it was a good idea for the company to purchase the training rather than to have it designed in-house? Explain your answer.

QUESTION 2: Comment on the company’s decision to purchase a generic, off-the-shelf
training package is a local vendor. What were the advantages and disadvantages? Do you
think it was a good idea for the company to purchase the training rather than to have it
designed in-house? Explain your answer.

In this case study, the telecommunication company decided to purchase off-the-shelf
training program by vendor because they want immediate action in the performance of the
employee so their sales should increase. In this more emphasis was on time factor rather than all
factors. However, there are various pros and cons of buying training program the main advantage
of packaged program is high quality, immediate delivery, benefit from other implementation
experience and extensive testing whereas, the main disadvantage is there is no credibility of
having program as well as security issue.
According to my perception, purchasing is a packaged program which was a wrong decision
because training program was purchased in pressure without considering one of the important
factor cost-benefit analysis which was disadvantage of the program while this program was
delivered on the wed which help to save time. Moreover, if company design program in the
house by considering both time and cost factor as well as expectations of the organization than it
will definitely help to increase sale while, in off-the-shelf program did not help the increase the
performance of the employee rather they had complaint about it For instance, difficulty in
understanding new techniques.

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