Question 1) Evaluate and discuss clinical and business solutions for hospital improvement. Include in your discussion improvement of outcomes, reduction in costs, optimization of payment, and improvement in the overall patient experience.

Clinical and business solutions for hospital improvement

Week 2 Discussions
Patients are becoming more knowledgeable and requiring decent care, necessitating increased pressure to improve outcomes around the world (Aiken et al., 2012). Good care results are important for the performance of any facility remuneration model. Improving healthcare can be expensive, but failing to change can be much more costly. An accurate and timely diagnosis is key to a better outcome. Effective diagnostic exams can assist in improving the overall patient experience, improve diagnostic efficiency, and lower downstream costs.
Treatment can be effective without being efficient and vice versa, so making sure that treatment is both efficient and is the sign of cost-effective and clinical healthcare reform that lowers costs and increases client well-being (Lyren et al., 2017). A favorable working atmosphere for physicians increases client care while also lowering costs. Patient outcomes must be authentic, clearly defined, and transparently assessed for quality modifications that will enhance patient care in order to determine the effectiveness of improvement measures. Modern technology and mobile devices may significantly contribute to diagnostic and treatment advancements, resulting in better patient care.
Nurse’s Role in the Policy Development Model.

In the policy development model presented to address healthcare issues, a nurse is a key figure. A nurse acts as a representative of nursing staff and clients’ needs, such as specialized healthcare facilities. In essence, health policies should include measures that health centers will take to change their environment in order to improve patient care and safety (Gilbert et al., 2017). Nurses will also advocate for better wage initiatives in hospitals that equals their services. I’ll be attending the policy conference, and I would use nursing informatics in healthcare facilities to diagnose, identify and treat patients. Observation of Evidence-Based Practices when attending to client needs is one of the most important things a nurse can bring up in a policy meeting. A nurse will also consider tabling their findings in order to prohibit chronic diseases from spreading to new populations around the world. For instance, a nurse can bring up the topic of processed food consumption, which has led to most people becoming diabetic and overweight. It would assist in the development of policy initiatives to combat chronic diseases, particularly in adults.

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