Quality Improvement Initiative to Prevent a Future Adverse Event or Near miss


Currently, the healthcare facility handles the hospital's issues in various methods. The

hospital has developed a customized treatment plan for each patient based on their risk of

injuries and falls. The customized therapy plan's primary focus is the patients' physical

capabilities. The treatment plan also incorporates fall prevention strategies in light of the patients'

physical conditions (Small, 2016). The initiative has recently had tremendously favorable results,

and the care plan is crucial for preventing falls at the medical center. Other businesses, like the

Central Health Hospital, use a systematic method to pinpoint fall risk factors. The hospital uses

the Morse Falls Scale extensively to identify patients at risk of falling and recommend the most

appropriate treatment. The most effective QI project created to lower incidences is the

implementation of fall risk assessment tools, which has halved the number of falls cases (Ohd

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