Q3. Describe how individual learning styles affect the degree to which a learner can understand or perform educational activities. Discuss the importance of an educator identifying individual learning styles and preferences when working with learners. Answer - Individual Learning Style and Academic Performance


The academic performance of the learners highly depends on their individual learning style. This is mainly because students have different ability and preference for procedures of data collection and data processing. For instance, some students understand topics through visuals such as seeing the pictures and analyzing the charts. While others prefer to learn by aural methods like listening to lecture attentively and later on discussing it in group with their friends. However, there are also some students who prefer to practice everything which they learned. Various factors impact on the selection of learning style, most important one is psychological factor as different individuals have varied interest in the area of focus, the progress of receiving information, transformation to knowledge and thinking process (Noel & Ramsden, 2015). It is crucial for the educator to assess the preferred learning style of students so, an educator could formulate teaching strategies according to it. without evaluating the individual learning style, the educator cannot predict that whether all the class is learning the topic or not.

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