Q2. Describe your preferred learning strategies. Compare your current preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style. Answer - Comparison of Preferred and Identified Learning Strategies


Reading and writing in bit mixing with the visual is preferred learning strategy for me. Firstly, I try to understand the text by help of illustrated diagrams, charts and pictures which I either find on the internet or included in the book which I am reading for understanding a certain topic. However, if I fail to do then I try to use the aural method. Group discussion and asking questions about topic is my major strategy in aural learning. First, I do discussion with my friends, still, if my concepts are not clear then I take help from my professor or see the relevant tutorials on YouTube or other educational websites.

According to identified learning strategies, along with videos, slides, graphs and pictures, there can be other significant visual aids such as gestures of instructor and highlighting the content in different colors. I think using color for highlighting the content can be an effective visual strategy. Moreover, it has been recommended that one should use all the different visual strategies like pictures, charts, diagrams, highlighters and videos as they will help in remembering the things for the long-term. The best strategy about aural learning which I will include in my practice is explaining the lecture to someone who was not present in the class. It will help in evaluating that how much I remember and how good I can explain it to others as it will illustrate my understanding about the topic. Moreover, I will also leave some spaces in my notes for filling the things later on which I missed during lecture (vark-learn.com, 2018)

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