Pursuing a Masters Degree in Nursing by a Registered Nurse at NYU Langone Medical Center


The paper "Pursuing a Masters Degree in Nursing by a Registered Nurse at Medical Center" is a wonderful example of a personal statement on nursing. Pursuing a Master’s Degree in Nursing is a step towards the reality of my dream. My dream is to be able to give my best to the career that I have chosen. I want to be of service to patients who only expect the best from their healthcare providers. I am fully convinced that with a Masteral Degree I will be able to provide superior care to those in need of it.

  As a Registered Nurse at NYU Langone Medical Center, where I have worked for two and a half years, my career at NYU has exposed me to the different departments in the hospital. I worked on the Labor and Delivery Department for one and a half years and was later transferred to the Mother-Baby Unit, where I stayed for nine months. My stint in these two divisions has familiarized me with the psychological impact that motherhood can have on women postpartum and antepartum. After two and a half years at NYU, I was promoted to Senior Staff Nurse and was given two certifications, namely, Electronic Fetal Monitoring and Certified Lactation Counselor, which are both credentialed by the NCC.

The current health care system does not only deal with one culture. Our society today is a conglomeration of diversified cultures. As a nurse, it is essential that I exhibit cultural competence to be able to address the needs of the patients. Cultural competence is the capacity to give valuable health care to patients of varied cultures. It is not necessary for me to fully understand and accept their culture but what is important is for me to respect their beliefs. My experience at NYU has exposed me to the ultra-Orthodox Jewish population.

This exposure introduced me to the concept of cultural competence which I was able to successfully manage. Along with cultural competence, ethical sensitivity is another area in my career as a nurse which I must develop. I have to learn how to respond morally to a patient’s sufferings and be in a position to provide them comfort and satisfaction. I believe that patients do not only require physical care but more than that, they need the understanding and loving care of nurses like me. Since they trust us with their health needs, it is but necessary that we give them the attention that they deserve.

Presently, I look forward to building a nursing career which will specialize in Psychiatric Nursing. Specifically, I want to specialize in reproductive psychology issues. I am also very much interested to deal with patients who have drug dependency issues. I intend to occupy a management position in nursing sometime in the near future. In this regard, I should harness my leadership skills especially at the unit level where patient care is delivered. Apart from being directly involved with patient care, as a leader, I must also influence my co-workers to improve their capabilities on patient care.

I must be an inspiration to my fellow employees by showing them how to plan and organize the various health care activities that we must undertake. Another aspect that is integral in my nursing career is having a continuous professional development program or lifelong learning. I should not be satisfied at having an RN status but rather, I must keep my knowledge and skills updated with the latest trends in health care. Attending workshops and conferences is a venue for me to hone my skills further.

This is one of the reasons why I am applying for graduate studies in nursing. I believe that I can be a better nurse if I pursue a Master’s Degree in Nursing because of the numerous changes and new developments in the health care delivery system. I am hereby committed to pursuing further studies to be the effective nurse that I envision to be and become an instrumental asset to the organization where I work.

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