Pulmonary Pathophysiology and Clinical Findings of the Disease Are the Spirometry Results Consistent With Obstructive or Restrictive Pulmonary Disease? What Is the Most Likely Pulmonary Diagnosis for This Patient?

The outcome of spirometry reveals an obstructed lung condition. This conclusion can be validated by FEV1/FVC, which is significantly reduced by 56% pre-bronchodilator and 52% post-bronchodilator, with normal being above 70% (MacLeod et al., 2021). Moreover, wheezing on forced exhalation and hyperinflated lungs depicted in chest X-ray support such diagnosis. The most likely pulmonary diagnosis for this patient is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), in line with his smoking profile and overall clinical results. Explain the Pathophysiology Associated With the Chosen Pulmonary Disease. COPD is defined by chronic airflow limitation due to a combination of small-airway disease in the form of obstructive bronchiolitis and parenchymal destruction that manifests itself as emphysema. It leads to chronic inflammation that impairs the thinness of airways and destruction of lung tissues, thus reducing airstream flow. It involves smoking, which is a vital cause of an immune system attack on lung tubes

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