Public Policy Meeting Assignment Submit a 3-4 page summary paper on the public policy meeting. Include headings in your paper that address these components: The purpose of the meeting, key participants, key agenda items, and meeting logistics Background information and a description about the committee

Public Policy Meeting

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Public Policy Meeting
Purpose of the Meeting, Key Participants, key Agenda Items and Meeting Logistics
This was a meeting of the U.s. Congress that brings together representatives of Congress to address policing demonstrations that erupted in the aftermath of the brutal killing of an African-American, George Floyd. The meeting’s primary attendees were Senators from the United States of America, who were led by the President of the House of Representatives. Senator McConnell (Majority Leader of the Senate) delivered a progressive message in this situation. As previously stated, the meeting’s essential agenda item was to discuss how notable street protests presented a danger to the life of several American people since the government has placed in effect numerous efforts to combat the transmission of the Covid-19 disease, which has affected multiple lives in the United States (McManus et al., 2020). Senator McConnell’s most significant issue was the prejudice stances held by certain municipal and state officials regarding demonstrations and the legislative mechanisms placed in motion by the government to fight the disease outbreak.


Background Information and Description of the Committee
Senator McConnell’s message to the United States Congress raised many specific concerns. Although he stated that the police acting in such a horrendous way in George Floyd’s killing went beyond American values, he also stated that expressing this freedom to demonstrate negatively impacted several other freedoms (McManus et al., 2020). He went on to say that the riots had resulted in people disobeying the steps placed in motion to prevent the transmission of the Coronavirus. He also noted that local officials had decided to narrowly enact rules, particularly those affecting citizens’ constitutional rights.
McConnell asked if the same officials would act quickly to prohibit business ventures and shut religious buildings. What was the reason behind their decision to support and attend some of the reckless demonstrations seen? He emphasized that, as the country is closely contemplating the slow reopening of the economy, officials must guarantee that government measures to fight the disease outbreak are carried out. United States Congress constituted the committee and is made up of senators representing each state in the United States. The House is mainly responsible for enacting laws. The House, on the other hand, has other responsibilities, including promoting the government’s policy and strategies and oversight function.
Specific Topic Discussed at the Committee and the Committee Process
McConnell covered a wide range of topics in his address. He was definitive, though, and spoke powerfully of the limited extent by which municipal and state officials had retreated to upholding the First Amendment’s provisions. In this respect, the platform documents the same officials’ decision to close religious buildings and businesses due to the risks they presented to American people’ lives as a result of the Covid-19 spreading. The officials, on the other hand, were not careful enough to recognize that the opposition protests that most of them endorsed and even actively participated in presented a risk on par with the places of worship (Valentine et al., 2020). In typical situations, since such correspondence is lodged with the leaders of the US Congress and approved, the head of the majority of the Congress passes it as a resolution, which one person seconds, and this makes room for discussion by the representatives of Congress.
Key Stakeholder Positions Related to the Topic Discussed
The government, the Department of Health, and all other organizations charged with managing accurate control of the Covid-19 disease outbreak in the United States have all stated that different recommendations provided by the entities must be followed. Social events that put together many individuals have long been frowned upon by the institutions. Furthermore, several of the protesters ignored essential precautions, including maintaining a safe social distance on all occasions, as well as failing to wear masks. Such actions blatantly ignored strict policies imposed by stakeholders.


Key Interactions
Senator McConnell spoke extensively about three primary topics. Firstly, he voiced his displeasure to the speaker of the House of Representatives and the whole House because, at this period, American people were already dying at the hands of law enforcement officials due to their ethnic background. He went on to say that while demonstrators were expressing their freedom to be heard, restraint should have been exercis

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