Public Health-655- Topic 6 DQ 1 Human Migration

Core Humanitarian Standards

The core humanitarian standards entail a sovereign system. The standards are well-structured to help communities and people affected by the natural crisis, wars, and violence cope with the situation and manage their lives accordingly (Jarrett et al., 2021). The crisis victims disclose to the organizations and individuals offering humanitarian support the kind of aid they would like to receive and how the process should be handled. This study discusses sphere core humanitarian standards, most neglected during natural disasters and other humanitarian emergencies, and characteristics of humanitarian crises.

Spheres Core Humanitarian Standards

Some of the core humanitarian standards include; humanitarian responses as appropriate and relevant, humanitarian responses are effective and timely, and humanitarian actors continuously learn and improve (Alliance, 2019). Several humanitarian non-governmental organizations and other relief agencies have applied the humanitarian standards to support those affected by crises. This is done by ensuring that the crisis’ victims are psychologically and physically prepared during natural disasters, violence and relief emergencies. The humanitarian response is appropriate and relevant complies with the fact that humanitarian aid is provided to those affected with crisis; accordingly, by getting the appropriate and relevant needs only.

Humanitarian response is timely and effective standard ensures that affected individuals receive humanitarian assistance at the appropriate time, as contacts can be easily reached to facilitate quick responses. Humanitarian actors deliberately learn continuously and improve through humanitarian organizations that strengthen their responsive mechanisms through past experiences, thus enabling them to learn and enhance new humanitarian interventions.

Most Neglected

The most neglected humanitarian standard is: human response is based on communication, participation, and feedback. This is because most crisis victims have no idea about their rights and the formal process to follow in case of natural disasters and other humanitarian emergencies. Most of the victims have no compliances to ensure that their needs are fully taken care of.

Characteristics of Humanitarian Emergencies

The following features characterize humanitarian emergencies; population displacement, whereby affected individuals are likely to be displaced, thus the majority become homeless, hence reside in refugee camps (Anderson & Gerber, 2018). Extensive violence and highly increased mortality rates. Humanitarian emergencies are influenced by wars and frequent violence from cultural practices and politics, leading to deaths. The most vulnerable population, such as women and girls, are at a greater risk of suffering the consequences of the crisis, like being homeless and hungry.

Examples of Application of the Standards

The Afghanistan conflict has consistently called for humanitarian assistance since 1978. The war crisis got worst in 2021, with many families being displaced and foodless. The country has been in dire need of humanitarian aid to reduce food insecurity issues and other crisis emergencies. Despite the political indifferences causing the conflicts, the humanitarian actors have focused their attention on ensuring that the vulnerable group receives the appropriate and relevant aid that matches their needs. This implicates the actual act of humanitarian assistance, one that assists communities and individuals without discrimination (Age and Disability Consortium, 2018).



Age and Disability Consortium. (2018). Humanitarian inclusion standards for older people and people with disabilities. CBM International: Bleinham, Germany .….pdf

Alliance, C. H. S. (2019). Core humanitarian standards.

Anderson, M., & Gerber, M. (2018). Introduction to humanitarian emergencies. Health in Humanitarian Emergencies, 1-8.

Jarrett, P., Fozdar, Y., Abdelmagid, N., & Checchi, F. (2021). Healthcare governance

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