Public Health-655-Mental Health Vs Mental Illness/Disorders -Topic 4 DQ 1

Mental health vs. mental disorders

Mental health and mental disorders are correlated terms used in healthcare research to verify the state and level of mental issues worldwide. The two terms differ from each other and have been used differently on so many occasions. Despite the differences, mostly mental health is used frequently by healthcare researchers. This study discusses the differences between the two terms to help public health practitioners like me support our communities efficiently regarding mental issues.

Mental health

Mental health is the state whereby individuals can live with life stressors and manage their daily activities. Individuals take advantage of their capabilities, out-matches them, cope with daily stressors such as workload, financial problems, and work productively to improve their community. Therefore, it is the state whereby individuals recognize their potential abilities and understand life stressors to contribute to their community (Lindert et al.,2017). For instance, individuals might be stressed by their daily work schedule, which could be overwhelming. Instead of feeling vulnerable and remaining startled by the situation, they decide to focus on the positive outcome of their stressful schedule and find alternatives that can best work out for them.

Mental disorders

Mental disorders are clinically significant conditions that involve changes in moods, emotions, feelings, and an individual’s interaction with others. They are mostly associated with the family, workplace, or other life issues. They are influenced by biological, environmental, and psychophysiological factors that make it complicated to manage the condition (Telles-Correia et al.,2018). Mental disorders have impacted people’s lives worldwide (Vaingankar et al.,2020). The number of those suffering from mental disorders increases globally. Mental disorders have no profound treatment but can be controlled through medication and therapies to help individuals cope with their daily activities (Eifert,2019).


Mental health and mental disorders are distinctively related to each other. In one way or another, they advance each other to help public health practitioners better support their communities. For instance, public health practitioners must understand the factors associated with a patient’s mental disorder to prescribe the right treatment management and therapies. Therefore, a thorough background check must be conducted to determine the life stressors. During the treatment management process, a patient can recognize their capabilities and is mostly encouraged to focus on them more as a destruction from the daily routines to enlighten their positive mental health.




Eifert, E. K. (2019). Introduction to special issue on mental disorders as a chronic issue. American Journal of Health Education50(4), 207-209.

Lindert, J., Bilsen, J., & Jakubauskiene, M. (2017). Public mental health. European Journal of Public Health27(suppl_4), 32-35.

Telles-Correia, D., Saraiva, S., & Gonçalves, J. (2018). Mental disorder—the need for an accurate definition. Frontiers in psychiatry9, 64.

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