PUB 655 TOPIC 7: Faith-Based Organization Case Study Faith-based healthcare organizations are essential in meeting the needs of vulnerable communities. As the world advances, a significant share of the population is unable to access necessities such as food, healthcare, education, and housing

Mission: Assess how the mission of the organization aligns with its strategies and work.

The organization’s mission is to advance the gospel through the provision of resources to Christ-centered churches and leaders throughout the world to enable them to meet the deepest needs of the people in their communities, especially the vulnerable individuals. The organization focuses on meeting both spiritual and physical needs. Its strategy involves partnering with relevant stakeholders such as local churches and leaders to identify vulnerable communities and establish facilities that provide the basic needs such as healthcare, housing, and education while still inspiring faith. By partnering with local churches and religious leaders, the organization can advance the gospel by meeting the spiritual needs of the communities they serve and their physical needs. The organization notes that providing basic needs such as healthcare, food, and education makes it possible to break down walls of resistance and allow people to quickly open up to God. People who are overwhelmed by their physical needs are unlikely to have adequate time to focus on their spiritual needs, and therefore the organization aims at providing the physical needs first to create adequate time for people to be receptive to their spiritual needs (Advancing Ministries of Gospel International, 2022).

The gospel is integrated into every activity provided by the organization; for example, in their hospitals and clinics, they employ Christian doctors and nurses who pray with patients before they treat them. Devotions are conducted every morning through the public address to inspire faith and hope among the patient. Also, scriptural literature is hung on the walls in the clinics and hospitals to remind the patients about the existence of God and his love for them, to inspire faith, and advance the gospel. Their child and youth development programs provide holistic care to guide the participants to develop a relationship with God as they also grow in others. They conduct Christian summer camps, bible studies, and discipleship classes which guide the youths under scholarships to develop a personal relationship with God. AMG international’s values include faithfulness, trust, and excellence, all of which are guided by the scripture. As servants of God, the organization believes it is their responsibility to faithfully execute the duties assigned to them and use the resources allocated to achieve excellent results, and promote trust with their partners by being accountable (Tagai et al., 2018).

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