Psychosis and Schizophrenia Assessment and Treatment



Psychosis is defined as an illness characterized by the presence of hallucinations and delusions that can cause distress or a marked change in an individual’s behavior that is out of normal function of daily living (Puntis, S et al n.d). It is describing as conditions affecting the mind, in which people have trouble distinguishing what is real from what is not real. This might involve patient telling you that he is seeing or hearing things that other people cannot see or hear (hallucinations) or believing things that are not true (delusions) (Puntis, S et al n.d). The combination of hallucinations and delusional thinking can cause severe distress and a change in behavior (Puntis, S et al n.d). Psychosis episode and symptom can start with anyone at any age, but the condition is most occurred frequently in late adolescence and early adulthood. Psychosis and schizophrenia can also be defined as a major mental disorder where the affected individual’s cognition, insight, beliefs, thoughts, and conduct are essentially altered with unreal thinking and ideas. Patient who has been diagnosed with psychosis or schizophrenia will make up his or her own special blend of values and encounters, which is different based on their condition. Schizophrenia is one of the most commonly known psychosis disorders which involves schizoaffective, delusional, non-affective psychoses and schizophreniform disorder.  To evaluate  a patient with this diagnosis the PMHNP have to follow exclusive guidelines which includes collecting details of symptoms present, the impact of these symptoms on the patient, how it affecting the patient and ways the patient has created to adapt to them (Puntis, S et al n.d).

The treatment for psychosis and schizophrenia remain exclusively antipsychotic medication in home, at the hospital and  clinics where patient received treatment. Most of the treatment has been proven to be very effective in the treatment of psychosis when patient is following medication as plan.  Patients with a diagnosis psychosis and schizophrenia frequently encounter stigmatization due to health regulation prevailing of mental health which involves necessary treatment in the facility where treatment is received ((Puntis, S et al n.d). It in termed, will exacerbate their feelings of exclusion.

The adverse effective or undesirable side effects of the medication can sometimes be unmanageable. This adverse effect includes sedation, hypersalivation, weight gain and involuntary movements. They can also add to patient feeling of being excluded in patient with schizophrenia (Puntis, S et al n.d).  Psychosis and schizophrenia have a significant impact on a patient’s life experiences and expectations. Patients need assistance and care to manage their diagnosis and cope with the reality of what had happen to them (Puntis, S et al n.d).

This  case study is a Pakistani woman who has delusional thought processes. The instruction in this assign case study is to make three decisions regarding the medications that will be prescribed for the patient this treatment for her psychosis disorder. In this assignment we will address factors that will affect the patient’s pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamics.  Also, we will discuss ethical considerations that might have an effect on the patient psychiatric mental health and the nurse practitioner’s treatment plan as well as communication with the patient (Gotra, al 2020).

As mentioned in the description above psychosis and schizophrenia are identified mainly by the presenting symptoms of delusions and hallucinations.  This assignment is marked by subjective and objective information of mental status exam. A schizophrenia will have symptom such as auditory hallucination plus delusional thought processes and beliefs. The patient will have symptoms such as the believe that people are planning to plot and conspire against him.

In decision #1

The first medication to choose by PMHNP is Invega Sustenna 234 mg intramuscular times one. Next will be 156 mg intramuscular once a month. This decision is taken because Invega Sustenna is an atypical antipsychotic drug that is recommended for the treatment of paranoid schizophrenia (Gotra, al 2020). The mechanism of action is by blocking the dopamine and serotonin receptors. This medication work by helping to decrease hallucinations and delusional thoughts and help maintain focus.

The patient in this case study presented with a diagnosis of disorganized, paranoid, and delusional thought process. The patient report that she stopped taking her Risperdal about a week ago after she got out of the hospital (Gotra, al 2020).. This will give the PMHNP idea that oral medication clearly will not be effective because, with the diagnoses will effectively be treated with long-term inject

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