Psychological, cultural, and spiritual aspects of diabetic patients



Diabetes is a chronic disease that impairs physical, psychological, social, and emotional
wellbeing of the patient. Nursing care will mitigate the adverse effects of poor motor abilities
and high risk of fall at the health facility. Diabetes interferes with ability to carry out normal
duties and thus treatment interventions should assist the patient to regain his or her ability to
undertake physical activities. Diabetes causes depression, anxiety, and distress and thus
treatment plans should mitigate the adverse effects of stress (Trief, Huber & Willaing, 2020, p
475). The people with diabetes require training to attain competence in self-care skills. In
addition, diabetes is linked to other illness and weight gain which make it difficult for the patient
to participate in normal duties.
It is important to consider the cultural values and beliefs of diabetic patients before
making a decision on the best medical and nursing interventions. For instance, individuals with
negative attitudes towards modern medicine are likely to deny the actual cause of the condition
and refrain from participating fully in treatment plans. In this case, it is important for the nurse to
assist the patient accept the chronic condition and demonstrate a positive attitude during care
management process (Trief, Huber & Willaing, 2020, p 478).
The nursing care and treatment plans administered to diabetic patients should aim at
promoting optimal psychological wellbeing by addressing patient needs and preferences. Patient
values should guide treatment plan and decisions made by the nurse. The medical team should
consider cultural factors like dietary habits of the cultural group, literacy level, and educational
level of the patient (Onyishi, Ilechukwu, Aigbodion & Eseadi, 2021,p 636).
It is important to consider spiritual aspects that influence healing and attitudes towards
healthy behaviors. Patient beliefs and faith impact on ability to exercise, control emotions, and
attain essential coping skills that will assist the patient overcome adverse effects of the chronic
Onyishi, C., Ilechukwu, L., Aigbodion, V & Eseadi, C. (2021). ‘Impact of spiritual beliefs and
faith-based interventions on diabetes management’, World diabetes journal, 12 (5), 630-
Trief, P., Huber, J & Willaing, I. (2020). ‘State of the art: Understanding and integration of the
social context in diabetes care’, Diabetes medical, 37 (1), 473-482.

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