Provide a few examples of community resources that should be put in place to assist your population in resolving their health care needs. What gaps in service do you see that affect your population?


There are a range of community resources that should be put in place for to help the population of persons with inherited ALS to resolve their health care needs. The first resource is patient resources in terms of treatment services with information on the disease, locating treatment services and answers for commonly asked questions. Practicum: Population Cultural Considerations and Genetic Predispositions.This helps with reducing time to reach an accurate diagnosis, improves access to quality care and appropriate treatment, ensures that patients can be involves in clinical care, and increases availability of data to support patients and medical personnel. The second resource is access to clinical trials that allow the patients to take advantage of clinical treatment even as medicine is advanced. This is useful in addressing the terminal nature of ALS. The third resource is genetic counseling. The final resource is patient communities in which other persons with ALS and other genetic conditions can get support from other patients and families (LeVine III, 2019).Practicum: Population Cultural Considerations and Genetic Predispositions.

Are there any cultural considerations that might inform your approach to caring for this population?

Although ALS does not have cultural underpinnings, there is a need for cultural considerations in care provision. It is important to note that different cultural have different fundamental needs in understanding health conditions/diseases and medical processes that adversely affect wellbeing and health. The explanation, depending on the culture, can range from rationale to the ethereal, and from material to the mystical. The particulars of the explanation offered and care approach applied will depend on the diagnosis and culture thus resulting in culturally appropriate care concept (Raingruber, 2017).Practicum: Population Cultural Considerations and Genetic Predispositions.

Does your population have a genetic predisposition to the health care problem you have identified?

The population does not have a genetic predisposition to the health care problem identified. ALSO has not shown any ethnic predispositions although inheritance along family lines have been indicated (LeVine III, 2019).Practicum: Population Cultural Considerations and Genetic Predispositions.

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