Propose leadership strategies to improve outcomes, patient-centered care, and the patient experience related to the patient, family, or population problem you have defined.

In maintaining healthy and efficient patient results, nurses play a critical role. Patients with hypertension are educated and treatment coordinated by nurses. Treatment based on patients i.e. a patient-centered care is a good way of treating hypertension. "Tailored to the patient ’s needs, a team-based approach has shown a to be a good form of management to hypertension. Team members include the patient, nurses, doctors, counsellors, pharmacists, and nutritionists. Currently, healthcare professionals are leading teams in hypertension research to explore social, cultural, economic, and behavioral determinants' (Dennison-Himmelfarb et al., 2016). Patient results can be strengthened as a health care leader by keeping abreast of the new evidence-based best practices to increase patient safety. In the provision of high-quality patient care, nursing leaders play an important role (Mansel & Einion, 2019)

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