Primary health care Essay The purpose of this report is to increase focus and action for safeguarding the well-being and mental health adolescents (12-24 years of age), especially adolescents suffering from depression

Adolescents tend to take extreme steps such as severely hurting themselves or even suicide when they are emotionally unwell. The ratio of suicide occurrence on the basis of gender as has been provided by Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), 2012, as follows, Primary health care Essay

Various Government organizations as well as other research bodies are actively involved in the well-being of the Australian adolescents, such as, The Victorian Child and Adolescent Monitoring System (VCAMS), The Australian Child and Adolescent Loss, Trauma and Grief Network, The Australian Infant, Child, Adolescent & Family Mental Health Association etc. Primary health care Essay

Adolescence is a stage of development starting from infancy to maturity where an adolescent establishes independence, a sense of identity, and develops individual principles (Ferguson, 2009). During this phase, parents become protective towards their child, which may be perceived as an act of domination by the adolescents and ultimately lead to a deficiency of trust which can be the root of disagreement and clashes (Murray et al., 2009). Factors including low academic performance can lead to depression or anxiousness in young people which leads to the increase in their vulnerability to peer smoking, dropping school, reduced employment opportunities and earnings which in turn leads to monetary stress (Fergusan, 2009). Adolescents have a substantial amount of influence on their attitudes, thinking and behaviour because of the influence of media (Scales et al., 2009). Majority of findings demonstrate non-significant relations among demographic factors (age and gender) with treatment result for depression treatment trials (Nilsen, 2012). Sessions of mainly cognitive behavioural therapy, problem-solving therapy and psychotherapy can treat depression. Access to non-pharmacologic treatments for depression could be enhanced by educating healthcare providers to express small psychotherapies (Nieuwsma, 2012) Primary health care Essay. Though these issues may result in adverse consequences, they can be eliminated by rather conventional methods such as shared beliefs, memories, celebrations, spending time together, having genuine love, sharing, listening, talking openly, respecting differences, having trust and being resilient (Barnes et al., 2008). Parental behaviours that reinforce depressive behaviour, reciprocate aggression, and fall short to positively support constructive behaviour have each been connected with depression in adolescents (Shwartz, 2012). Treatment models for youth depression that emphasize interpersonal performance, mainly family relations, may be chiefly hopeful (Tompson, 2012). The families of adolescents suffering from a certain kind disorder tend to grow apart usually because of loss of understanding and gap in communication. Instead of developing a rather strong bond, in most cases, family members develop high level of frustration, irritability and finally separate from each other, either physically or emotionally. This leads to problems such as homelessness, substance abuse, depression, isolation etc. This problem, though difficult to abolish, is definitely not an impossible task. All it requires is a proactive approach from the families having troubled adolescents, the government and other kinds of programmes and initiatives of the society. Primary health care Essay

Solution can also be derived with the help of a registered nurse by keeping the person rather than the problem at the centre of inquiry, moving from illness-care to adaptation and recovery, creating change at three levels: the client, nursing and society and have proactive with clients, rather than reactive (McAllister, 2007).

Help is available from registered youth health nurses who are educated and trained for this role and work in school-based youth health settings and also in community health settings (e.g. community health centres). Primary health care Essay



Essay Writing Tutor SydneyA culturally suitable and holistic approach must be adopted by nurses to health care of juvenile together with all the health determinants through partnership and association across every sector, community and organization so as to reinforce admittance to adolescent sociable services of health (NSW Youth Health Policy [YPH], 2010). The nurses working with the families require certain basic knowledge about their environment i.e. the family and family members along with primary health care ethics, family-centred practice, ecological scaffold and cultural sensitivity (Child and Youth Health Manual, 2007). Sustainable resources of education for deprived families and parents as well as adolescents who hope to use them as they occupy an enormous division in the ethical, emotional and cognitive growth of the youngster should be encoura

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