Present a health promotion plan to a hypothetical individual or a group within a community.


The health promotion plan that I would present to an individual or group would be

focused on tobacco use and the dangers of smoking. In conducting a face-to-face educational

session on smoking and tobacco use, I would begin by discussing the statistics on smoking and

tobacco use in the United States and how it is one of the leading causes of mortality and

disability. I would then discuss the various health risks associated with smoking, including

cancer, respiratory problems, and cardiovascular disease. I would emphasize that there is no safe

amount of exposure to tobacco smoke for anyone, and that it is important to quit smoking to

improve overall health. I would then provide tips on how to quit smoking, including medications

and counseling that can be helpful in quitting (Flanders, 2018). I would also discuss the

importance of smoke-free legislation and community mobilization in reducing exposure to

tobacco smoke and preventing people, especially children, from starting to smoke.

How would you set goals for the session and the stakeholders involved and their role.

The goal of the educational session on smoking and tobacco use would be to raise

awareness about the dangers of smoking and tobacco use and to provide tips on how to quit

smoking. For the individual or group attending the session, I would hope that they would come

away with a better understanding of the risks of smoking and tobacco use and be motivated to

quit if they are smokers (World Health Organization, n.d.). For the stakeholders involved, I

would hope that they would be able to provide support to those attending the session in quitting


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