Posts or conversations in which you have engaged that might be considered inappropriate based on the professional standards of nursing.


 Social media platforms provide avenues to share experiences in various ways. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and a host of chat rooms offer the platforms engage with both the clients and colleagues. I have in the past posted information about patients under my care at the hospital facilities. Although such conversations start as innocent and harmless posts, it becomes impossible to control the direction of a discussion. A patient at the hospital facilities was suffering from an acute illness.  To highlight some of the efforts that we employ in enhancing vital care outcomes. I mentioned the kind of ailment that the patient had been suffering.

In another conversation, I criticized a nurse who had posted about care practice she had performed on a patient with a recurring would. The nurse felt offended for the conflict as she thought that I did not. I did not employ significant professional ethics.  The nurse thought that I should have used caution before I responded on the issue. Although I later apologized for the unfortunate incidence, the damage had been done. My response to the post was dented on my professional endeavour and affected my relationship with people who know me at a personal level.

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