Post to the wiki on the topic of assessment and feedback in the online classroom. On the “Module 4” tab, share key insights or strategies you have gleaned from your interactions with the simulated students, the department chair, your colleagues, and/or the Learning Resources in this module.





Peer Collaboration Week

The online classroom has been instrumental in offering several merits to students and teachers as well. It ‘has provided an excellent platform for interaction and a point to address the existing responsibilities, and commitment while engaging with learning materials and multimedia content at the most convenient time.

Most importantly, the student does not have to travel but can access classes by simply login into the virtual campus from the comfort of their offices or homes (Cooper, 2014). Besides, online classrooms are becoming better ways to learn besides the cost and convenience advantage they have.

While sharing key strategies, I have gleaned from interactions with simulated students, department chairs, and colleagues, and there are some notable things. First, the simulated student can be used as a strategy for synchronous collective presentations where the objective is to monitor the actions of students.

The monitoring helps in detecting and correcting specific forms of dysfunction. The simulated student is, therefore useful and helps to improve student learning. On the other hand, I have learned that proper coordination between the department chairs would help in the incorporation of practical lessons in virtual classrooms (KO & Rossen, 2017).

However, such an approach will need investments in customized websites with dummy programs to be used for practical purposes. As a result, nursing students would be able to share their field experience and suggestions for improvement. Collective problem-solving would make nursing practice more effective and enjoyable.

While online discussion classrooms with colleagues, it comes clear that online education presents wide befits to all players. For example, the student gets extensive networking opportunities, and there is increased instructor-student time, which enhances teaching (Cooper, 2014). Besides, it is easy to access expertise online as required by the student and the department. It also gives the student some freedom to juggle between careers and school.


Cooper, A. (2014). The use of online strategies and social media for research dissemination in education. Education Policy Analysis Archives/Archivos Analíticos de Políticas Educativas22, 1-24.

Ko, S., & Rossen, S. (2017). Teaching online: A practical guide. Routledge.

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