Post a comparison of at least two APRN board of nursing regulations in your state/region with those of at least one other state/region. Describe how they may differ. Be specific and provide examples. Then, explain how the regulations you selected may apply to Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) who have legal authority to practice within the full scope of their education and experience. Provide at least one example of how APRNs may adhere to the two regulations you selected.Professional Nursing And State-Level Regulations Essay

Each state is free to impose its criteria on nurses working in its medical institutions. The Board of Nursing, a branch of the state government, is responsible for creating these rules. The nursing regulation practice is the responsibility of the Board of Nursing. It is also educated to make sure that nurses abide by the rules and legislation already in place. They can work in several places, including long-term(LT) care facilities and hospitals. Additionally, nurses can screen patients and diagnose diseases while in full practice. I'll contrast Kansas with California. Kansas is a limited practice state, which indicates that its licensing and practice regulations limit the scope of at least one aspect of NP practice.

In some states, the setting of one or more additional aspects of NP practice is restricted, or the NP is required to enter into a career-long controlled collaboration arrangement with another health professional. Currently, there are restrictions on the practice in California. State practice & licensure rules restrict at least one aspect of NP practice, which is what is meant by "restricted practice." According to state law, for a nurse practitioner (NP) to offer patient care, there must be ongoing supervision, delegation, or team(TM) management from another healthcare professional. Kansas and California have both applied to become Full Practice Authority (FPA)states. Nurse practitioners are allowed to diagnose and treat patients with the FPA while being supervised by the state board of nursing.

States started regulating nurse practitioners in the 1970s in addition to their nursing licenses. This resulted in several problems for these experts and the people they treat. Nurse practitioners in jurisdictions with FPA are not subject to contracts or other agreements with a doctor or medical board, unlike those in other professions. By doing this, the highest levels of care and security are guaranteed. States with more expensive healthcare, lower rankings, and regional differences in access to care are those that restrict or forbid NPs from practicing following their ability. The development of national standards for nurse practitioners' work is supported by the American Association of Advanced Nurse Practitioners. Maintaining one's national certification and collaborating with other healthcare professionals as necessary are among these professional obligations.

FPA for NPs enables patients to utilize the services that NPs can offer. NPs being able to work in both urban and rural locations aids states in enhancing access to care. Patients now have complete access to their primary healthcare physician's services at the point of service thanks to the Family Practice Act's implementation. As a result, there is no longer a need for a superfluous NP-physician contract. By reducing pointless office visits and orders, expenditures are reduced and patient care is improved. The patient's right to select their healthcare practitioner is likewise protected by this.

The Kansas legislature has failed to advance a bill that would enable nurse practitioners to work independently of contracts.

The contract agreements between nurse practitioners & physicians in other states are no longer required. Critics of the practice claim that it can result in substandard medical care. Its proponents contend that patients will benefit. Some contend that these agreements help shield nurses from direct competition with other healthcare professionals. Some contend that they are required to keep competitors out of the market. Additionally, they contend that it is advantageous for businesses.

Nurse practitioners in Kansas typically earn around $100,000 per year. A 2011 study found no proof that nurse practitioners perform less effectively and safely than physicians. For the care they deliver, both the nurses and the doctors are accountable. As a result, nurse practitioners were permitted to work without contracts during the Covid outbreak.

Other states with similar laws that permit nurse practitioners to work without contracts have also passed them.

California will be added to the state's list with FPA in January 2023. As a result, when it comes to overseeing patients, nursing staff in the state are exempt from the laws and standards that apply to doctors. According to the AANP, giving nurse practitioners complete practice authority enables them to deliver high-quality care in locations where primary care is in short supply. According to the American Nurses(ANCC) Credentialing Center, giving nurse practitioners complete practice authority can boost healthcare quality and cut costs. Additionally, it enables patients to talk to a nurse practitioner about their worries. To practice independently in California, the Board of

In California, the Board of Nursing must give its permission before a person

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