Post a brief description of your results from the StrengthsFinder assessment. Then, briefly describe two core values, two strengths, and two characteristics that you would like to strengthen based on the results of your StrengthsFinder assessment. Be specific. Note: Be sure to attach your Signature

Brief Description of Results from the StrengthsFinder Assessment

One thing the strenthsfinder assessment has done is describing me perfectly. This on-line survey has identified my top five strengths. Using your strengths improves your confidence, direction, hope and kindness to others (Rath,2017). My first strength is responsibility, this is about making progress because I made a promise. With this theme, I can take ownership for anything that I commit to (Gallup,2020). No matter how big or small it may be, in as much as I am emotionally attached and involved.Personal Leadership Philosophies Essay. The next strength is consistency. With this theme, I treat people the same and maintain stable routines, make clear rules, and procedures (Gallup,2020). I always want everyone to be treated uniformly and equally. Restorative is my third strength. With this theme, I am adept at dealing with problems, good at solving them, and eventually initiate a necessary solution for the problems (Gallup2020). I can repair things that are broken. Harmony is my fourth strength; I can recognize between the areas of agreement and disagreement. With this theme, a common ground is secured between these two conflicting areas. The strength doesn’t enjoy conflict but rather seeks area of agreement (Gallup,2020). Futuristic is my fifth strength. With this theme, I am excited about the future and what It would bring. I cultivate a habit of pasting my future goals on the walls in my room with the hope of striking it out accordingly as they come to reality.Personal Leadership Philosophies Essay.

Two Core Values.

The two core values are excellence and balance. With display of excellence, I am able  to stay perfect in all dealings and prove my mettle. Balancing is a very important value in consistency, it helps to strike between the good and the bad side and helps to get aggrieved parties together to meet at a common ground.Personal Leadership Philosophies Essay.

Two Strengths

The two strengths that stands out are consistency and futuristic. For consistency, I shrive hard to execute fairness, maintain routines, and repetitiveness, I am also in constant communication when rules are broken to put things back in alignment. To further develop my futuristic strength, I decided to surround myself with people who shares same core values and exudes passion about the future.Personal Leadership Philosophies Essay.

Two Characteristics That I Like to Be Strengthened

Tenacity and Integrity are the two characteristics that needs to be strengthened. Tenacity in conflict management is very important and is an area that I honestly lag. I want to be able to use tenacity which will help to identify early and reduce friction and promote collaboration within conflicting parties. On integrity, I need to be able to gain the trust of others by  showingtrustworthiness.I can also maintain moral and ethical prnciples.Personal Leadership Philosophies Essay.

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