Pick one (1) of the following topics. Then, address the corresponding questions/prompts for your selected topic: Option 1: Exploration and Effects on Native Americans • Explain what motivated the European world powers to explore the Americas. • Describe the economic effects of exploration based on the Colombian exchange. • Analyze the effects of exploration on Native Americans. • Based on research, analyze if Europeans might be held accountable for transmitting Old World diseases to people in the Western Hemisphere. Option 2: Slavery vs. Indentured Servitude • Explain how and why slavery developed in the American colonies. • Describe in what ways the practice of slavery was different between each colonial region in British North America. • Analyze the differences between slaves and indentured servants. Option 3: Women in Colonial America

Many people believe that Nursing started with Florence Nightingale, however nursing itself dates back to the beginnings of motherhood when nurses were traditionally female. In fact, nursing and medicine have been closely intertwined throughout the ages. The history of nursing has its origins in the care of infants and children, so all mothers were in fact nurses. Gradually an evolution started developing into dedicated caregivers who practiced the art. In fact, nursing has been called the oldest of arts and the youngest of professions.
When it became apparent that love and nurturing alone were not enough to cure disease, the need for a more educated framework
In 1860, Florence’s dream was finally realized when the Nightingale Training School for Nurses opened. This was the first formal, fully organized training program for nurses. Graduates of the program went into the four corners of the world to teach other nurses and were highly sought by hospitals. While Florence Nightingale did not invent the profession of nursing, she was a living memorial to it and forever will have a place and influence in the history of nursing.American Nursing History Essay

World History of Nursing
Since the beginnings of time, nursing has been shaped by different cultures and societies and by the changes within those societies. The word nursing derives its meaning from the Latin word nutricius which means nourishing. Therefore, in the ancient world nursing was viewed as a role of caring for the family and not a profession.
In the world history of nursing, roots can be traced to religion, mythology, and Eastern and Western societies. The ancient Egyptians utilized perhaps the first formal nurses, hiring them to assist in childbirth. It is from these beginnings that today’s midwives evolved.American Nursing History Essay

The topic of this paper is to identify historical events in nursing. This topic grasps my attention because I am on the track to become a nurse, and feel I need to know about the history of nursing. The purpose of this paper is to inform the reader about historical highlights in nursing.
In The Beginning American Nurses Association defines nursing as “the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and population”( Potter,P.,& Perry, A. 2005,1-5). Thus making nursing dynamic and ever changing. American Nursing History Essay
(Parker, Sandra,V., 1993) The matrons were significant because they “introduced home remedies, airing of the wards, and simple cleanliness.”( Parker, Sandra,V., 1993) Nurses must thank the Civil War because the war made the profession of nursing reachable to women.( 1997,Women’s Roles during the Civil War, 1861-1865) In 1873 there were four hospitals with a school of nursing with in them. These hospitals were the New England Hospital for Women and Children; Massachusetts General Hospital; New Haven Hospital; and Bellevue Hospital.( 1996.Nursing. Dictionary of American History) The number of hospitals and hospital with nursing schools inside of them increased, because the hospitals soon found that the mortality and morbidity decreased with improved nursing care.( Nursing. Dictionary of American History) The shaping and molding of the nursing profession made the hospitals that we know today to be possible. In the 1860’s and 1870’s more Americans went to the hospitals for treatment because of the emphasis on hospital cleanliness, and the professional nurse.American Nursing History Essay

Nursing History Paper: The Evolution of the Nursing Profession Nursing is more than merely a job, an occupation, or a career; it is a vocation, a calling, a frame of mind and heart. As a nurse, one must value the general good of others over his own. He must devote of himself nobly to ensure the well-being of his patient. However, today’s well-recognized nurses are notably different from nurses of the recent past. Service is the core of the nursing profession, and the essential evolution of the vocation reflects the ever-changing needs of the diverse patient population that it serves. As a profession, nursing has evolved progressively, particularly in its modernization throughout the past two centuries with the influence of Florence Nightingale. The field of nursing continues to grow and diversify even today, as nurses receive greater medical credibility and repute, as its minority representations…show more content…
Before the modernization and reform of their profession in the mid-1800s, nurses were believed to perform “women’s work”, which implied menial duties, unskilled service, and an overall lack of skill (Garey, “Sentimental women nee

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