Persuasive Essay on Bullying


The concept that bullying should be ended roots in numerous reasons coming out to one major result – damage to the individual. Parents, teachers, administrators, and heads of education should investigate the following points as these appear to be the loose ends of why bullying still happens now. These are the major reasons why bullying should end not only in one place but all over the world.

Among all the numerous reasons why bullying should be stopped, one of them is the psychological health of the victim. Bullying can be associated with depression in the long term (Wagner, 2018). According to studies, those who were bullied end up having depression and low self-esteem after the bullying incidents. This would lead to even more problematic situations in the future that even if they are adults already, they will more likely be mirroring the bullied self that they had in the past. Depression is another serious issue that should be taken seriously. Mental health is among the problems that are taken lightly by people. However, it should be recognized that depression can lead to death if one falls into the trap of killing oneself with the concept of hopelessness.

In alignment with this will be the cases of suicide. In the United States, suicide due to bullying turns out to be the third highest cause of death among adolescents and young people resulting in half a million children attempting to kill themselves every year (Paresky, 2016). This means these future successful people died along the way because the efforts were not maximized to prevent the bullying cases that they got into. This becomes prevalent as the bullied is secretly being tormented by the bully and nobody comes to rescue him/her. This will lead to depression and will then result in potential depression.

However, another issue that leads to suicide will be massive bullying that can be done through cyberbullying. Using social networking sites and massive efforts to humiliate the victim online, the issue of bullying spread all over the social media world and the issue gets worse. Many have killed themselves in encountering this kind of bullying which is prevalent in society nowadays.

For those who may say that bullying is something that can be handled, it is something that should not be taken lightly since the people who died because of being bullied could not be resurrected anymore with such a premise from people who never experienced the situation. Depression is serious enough, but the question arises with the concept of what should death be still anticipated for things to be done about bullying incidents. This should not be tolerated possible.

Even if bullying is said to be normal, it should not be tolerated. As strongly emphasized earlier, nobody deserves to be treated badly. Bullying as something normal should be dismissed from the picture since the effect of bullying on the person may cause irreversible impacts which can already be in the form of suicide. From killing oneself, there could nothing be done about it anymore that can help in the process of ending the bullying in general. A lot of people have died by taking their own lives because they were severely bullied but after such transpires, nothing seems to be done by the society. This should be changed because bullying should never be embraced as if it was something acceptable.

With this, numerous ways have been identified in dealing with bullying. Through these actions, bullying can at least be lessened if not totally eradicated. This would mean people saved from immense misery or tragedies that may arise from depression and even suicide. These ways to end suicide will result in better situations for both bullied and bullies if ever considered to be taken into action. This will also save parents from suffering from the loss of the children they raised and loved ever since they were babies.

Another way to prevent further bullying is by equipping those in authority and in the situation with proper information. Professionals should provide seminars for both teachers and students about this concern (Rigby & Johnson, 2016). By knowing what to monitor and what to check on its initial stage, bullying can already be prevented before it even starts. Teachers once equipped with the appropriate ways to determine the problems will be able to protect those who must be protected. Protective factors tend to have positive relationships and higher levels of self-esteem (Herebron, 2012). Through this, the students will gain confidence and will not feel like they are alone especially when they are about to get bullied already. With them knowing what bullying is, they will more likely refrain from doing it upon making them realize what the fruit of their action will cause.

A way to deal with bullying will include not giving the person a chance to bully. This will mean better monitoring of the chi

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