Personal Theory Framework for Advanced Practice Nurse essay example The purpose of this essay is to provide a detailed analysis of my philosophy of nursing to inform my nursing career. It will integrate Florence Nightingale’s environmental theory and Jacqueline Fawcett’s four meta-paradigm concepts of (a) health, (b) person, (c) environment, and (d) nursing to create a solid understanding of the critical similarities and differences in the selected theoretical framework and my nursing philosophy.

My Personal Nursing Philosophy

First, my choice of nursing as a noble career path was inspired by my unrelenting ambition to become a productive, helpful, and meaningful community member with the ability to assist people with healing and recovery. My philosophy as an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) is that nurses have a significant responsibility of providing evidence-based care and patient-centered care. I hold that this kind of patient-oriented care should respond to the distinct needs and conditions of each individual regardless of their socio-economic background, race/ethnicity, religion, and gender (Ayse et al., 2019). Ideally, I firmly believe that patients must be recognized and treated as individuals who deserve individualized attention and care as the fundamental basis for improving their health condition and wellbeing. As an Advanced Practice Nurse (APN), I have focused on acquiring relevant knowledge and skills in nursing. I have no doubt that these competencies would enhance my overall ability to offer exceptional nursing and clinical services in a calm and supportive environment characterized by (a) empathy, (b) communication, (c) collaboration, (d) learning, and (e) diversity.

Personal Meanings within Nursing’s Metaparadigm

The four-domain metaparadigm articulated by Fawcett can organize nursing knowledge, competencies, values, and beliefs associated with the nursing practice. These concepts include (a) person, (b) health, (c) nursing, and (d) environment. Fawcett (1984) indicated that applying these metaparadigm concepts in developing and implementing treatment plans can prove instrumental in enabling improvements in the provider-patient therapeutic relationships and, subsequently, ensuring high quality and safe patient care.


The first concept is the person. Fawcett (1984) indicated that a person is a human being. Ideally, the person’s centrality in nursing care is based on the understanding that individuals live with others in the society in a unitary, rational and relational manner. As a Family Nurse Practitioner, I consider patients as people first, which has been instrumental in enabling me to forge two-way and collaborative relationships during my encounters with individuals. Moreover, I also consider patients to be partners in the treatment process based on how they possess vital knowledge regarding their medical condition and the capacity to pursue decisions and actions that can impact their care (Sullivan, 2016). As a family nurse practitioner, I often strive to establish and maintain meaningful encounters and relationships with patients to create a working environment where shared negotiation, two-way communication, and collective responsibility are genuinely practiced.

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The second metaparadigm concept is health.  Miriam (2018) noted that health is a multi-faceted term that reflects the state of being secure and comfortable in the physical, spiritual, mental, and social domains of life. As a nurse, I hold the perspective that good health extends beyond the absence of illness or disease, and hence my commitment to improving patients’ health is based on providing holistic, tailored, and evidence-based care and support. Moreover, I have often focused on gaining a better understanding of each patient’s distinct needs, realities, and conditions as the basis for tailoring treatment plans and interventions to suit their health concerns (Sullivan, 2016).


The third concept is the environment. According to Nightingale’s environmental theory, providing a safe, supportive, calm, and clean physical environment is integral in nursing practice. I have always ensured that the patients I interact with are able to access the relevant support systems and to maintain their sense of self, freedom, and independence.  Throughout my nursing career, I intend to create positive conditions where patients can receive holistic care and achieve positive improvements in their health and wellbeing. Moreover, focusing on the patient’s state of mind may become a practical means to understand some of the intervening environmental factors that influence their health condition and recovery.


The other concept of the metaparadigm is nursing. According to Nightingale’s theory, nursing has one primary objective, “to put the patient in the best condition for nature to act upon him/her” (Riegel et al., 2021, p.3). This conceptualization applies to my nursing philosophy based on how

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