Pelletier and Peplau’s Nursing Theories Comparison



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The importance of the sphere of nursing is evidenced by multiple theories that are created to help health workers in the delivery of care to patients and improving their results. For instance, Hildegard Peplau’s theory of interpersonal relations is one of the ideas describing the peculiarities of the bond between nurses and patients and the roles these actors play in the recovery process. (“Theory of Interpersonal Relations,” 2012). This framework assumes that the central purpose of nursing is to help others to understand their difficulties and work together to overcome them by selecting the most appropriate solutions.

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Ida Orlando Pelletiers theory is another essential teaching that contributes to the improvement of the delivery of care and explains some aspects of nursing. It presupposes that the central role of a nurse is to discover patients problems and provide immediate assistance (“Orlando’s Nursing Process Theory,” 2012). At the same time, success can be achieved only if the patient takes part in the process while a nurse has enough competence to assist him/her in recovery.


The given perspectives emerged because of the appearance of a particular need for the classification of care and analysis of its peculiarities. The theory of interpersonal relations in nursing revolves around the fundamental role of communication and its importance for both a health worker and a patient. Peplau introduced the framework in 1952 under the impact of a significant reconsideration of the sphere of nursing and the shift of priorities towards interpersonal communication (“Theory of Interpersonal Relations,” 2012).

As for the second theory, it was suggested in 1972 under the impact of the processes peculiar to the healthcare sector of that period of time (“Orlando’s Nursing Process Theory,” 2012). The fact is that the nurses ability to provide immediate care to patients became the central aspect of their work; at the same time, only discipline and observation of all prescriptions by the patient can help to attain improvement and guarantee recovery. In such a way, the theory becomes a reflection of the existing peculiarities of nursing and its pivotal tasks.

Philosophical Underpinnings

Revolving around the issue, one should also consider the fact that all nursing theories have particular philosophical underpinnings that precondition their topicality and relevance regarding the existing setting. For instance, the theory of interpersonal relations rests on the idea that nursing is a moral practice that is focused on the satisfaction of peoples basic needs and the provision of needed care to patients (“Theory of Interpersonal Relations,” 2012).

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At the same time, communication remains one of the central elements of this paradigm as patients should be provided with all aspects that might impact their recovery. In this regard, Peplau theorys philosophic underpinning includes the idea that to recover a person has to communicate and share his/her problems with a specialist to understand the peculiarities of the process.

Pelletiers theory also utilizes the nature of nursing and its focus on ethical concerns. The author assumes that discipline, as one of the central factors impacting behaviors of all individuals, is the key to success (Masters, 2014). This idea is close to philosophical assumptions stating that a person is responsible for his/her actions and precondition their results. In such a way, the theory uses the philosophical framework to empower its assumptions and demonstrate the necessity of discipline and commitment.

Major Assumptions, Concepts, and Relationships

Nevertheless, the central concept of the Theory of Interpersonal Relations is that the attainment of a goal can be achieved only through the series of steps towards the final success that involve interaction between two or more individuals who share the same purpose (“Theory of Interpersonal Relations,” 2012). In this regard, communication, as one of the central ways to align cooperation among team members acquires the top priority. The nurse and the patient should engage in a beneficial collaboration to become mature and knowledgeable in the process and eliminate all problems that might arise.


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