Part One: Description of Scope and Sequence of Engage NY Curriculum

The common core curriculum has been developed to assist schools and districts. The
Engage platform has designed the curricular modules and units in specific units and modules
such as P-12 and math which is meant for local use. Indeed, the curriculum modules include
lesson plan, lesson plan supporting materials such as class work and homework, year-long scope
and sequence documents and overview documents (Siuty et al., 2018). As for the scope and
sequence for Engage NY curriculum for Algebra 1, the specific examples include provision of
curricular modules in P-12 English language Arts and Mathematics. In that manner, educators
will be assisted with implementation of Common core, New York State Education Department
(NYSED) which is designed to be adopted for local use.
In addition, the curriculum map is segmented into five modules. First, Algebra one
Module 1 entails relationships between quantities and reasoning which have equations and
graphs. The module assists students in analysis and explanation for the process of solving
equations through repeated reasoning (Siuty et al.,2018). The materials consist student page for
each lesson in Module 1. Also, from the teacher’s materials, there are collection of module
assessments, fluency exercises and exit tickets. Second module in Algebra one consist of
descriptive statistics, where students reconnect with understanding statistics and probability
concepts introduced in Grade 6, 7 and 8. Students are equipped with skills and tools to interpret
variability in data. The materials for second module consist of student pages for each lesson in
Module 2, with copy ready materials for module assessments, lessons exit tickets and fluency
exercises from teacher materials.

As for module 3, it tackles linear and exponential functions. In the module student extent
their study of functions which comprise concepts of domain and range and notation. Materials
used consist of student pages used in each lesson in Module 3. In addition, module 4 consist of
polynomial and Quadratic expressions, functions and equations. Students particularly learn how
to create equations, rewrite equations and functions in different forms with graphs and forms to
interpret functions. Materials consist of student pages for every lesson in Module 4. Lastly, the
Algebra schedule for level one in Module 5 consist of synthesis of modelling with equations and
functions, where students synthesize what they have learned over the year regarding functions to
use the correct function in modelling problems.
Part 2: Strategies to Sustain/ Integrate NY Algebra Curriculum
Similarly, classroom strategies should be aligned with abilities of every student needs.
Administrators and teachers should work towards promoting learning opportunities for children
with special needs. Teachers can provide adaptations to learners by allowing them additional
time beyond stipulated time for the student to comprehend the material (Litke, 2020).
Administrators can also allow teachers time to collaborate with special education support staff or
other teachers who work with same students tend to increase the likelihood that the teachers can
implement the most ideal adaptation.
Along same lines, the student can be provided with advanced organizer of tasks which is
designed to be completed within the math lesson. By doing so, the student will know particular
activities which occur in that time frame. Thus, providing learners with advanced organizer of
expectations. Teachers can also maximize use of supports such as the time that they are
preparing for a lesson. The adaptations are broken down in different segments which entails
those general to class and the ones specific to individual student. At the same time, teachers can

employ online collaborations with other teachers across states and districts. Mathematics
experience can also be transformed when pairing is done for the expertise of working exceptional
students with content expertise of classroom teacher.
Part 3: Detailed plan for a comprehensive, rigorous, and coherent curricular and
instructional school program in math
The Algebra curriculum should be designed with ideal strategies which favor student
learning processes. Attributes such as trust, collaboration, and personalized learning environment
should serve as guidelines to help in learning process. One of the strategies to improve learning
process is to utilize the concept of zone of proximal development on how to formulate joyful
concentration with learners (Choppin et al.,2020). According to researchers, enjoyment in

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