PART I: The research paper will serve as the basis for part two of the project, which is developing a Public Service Announcement (PSA) for your chosen topic. Reflection: Think back to the week one discussion where you identified several environmental issues that you felt were a potential issue to you or loved ones. Or, consider environmental health issues that you may have heard about in the news.


Environmental Impact on Disease

Relate the environmental impact or toxicant to your disease. Make the connection for how the issue is relevant to your audience. For example, if your topic is the role of pesticides on developing diabetes, provide the relevant research that connects pesticides and diabetes. Don’t forget to include contradictory studies. You should always present both pro and anti-research to strengthen your argument, but show any potential weaknesses in studies as applicable, to strengthen your argument. Covid 19 Environment Impact On Disease And Exposure Prevention Essay

1. Exposure Prevention

In this section, consider all aspects of possible prevention from an individual, community, and population perspective. Consider policy and procedure, recommendations for how to reduce exposure, whatever is appropriate for your topic.

2. Conclusion

3. References

Please use at least 5 references, where at least three are peer-reviewed journal article from 2015-current. The other two references may come from other sources; such as the CDC or the EPA, etc.

You should expect to address these topics in 4-6 pages, times new roman, 12 point font APA-style, double spaced.

COVID-19 being a novel virus and as the outbreak continues to evolve, research is ongoing to better understand
its dynamics of transmission and improve case management among others. COVID-19 has potential to cause
many infections through human-to-human transmission and lead to a significant number of severe cases that
could overwhelm the health care system, and a substantial number of deaths. However, if persons infected are
detected in a timely manner and rigorous infection control measures applied, the likelihood of sustained
human-to-human transmission can be reduced.
Public health experts have consistently warned that the novel coronavirus outbreak presents a unique public
health threat to the African continent. Gilbert, Pullano, Pinotti, et al. (2020) use two indicators to determine
the capacity of countries to detect and respond to cases: preparedness, using the WHO International Health
Regulations Monitoring and Evaluation Framework; and vulnerability, using the Infectious Disease
Vulnerability Index. Based on their analysis, Egypt, Algeria, and South Africa had the highest importation risk,
and a moderate to high capacity to respond to outbreaks. Nigeria, Ethiopia, Sudan, Angola, Tanzania, Ghana,
and Kenya had moderate risk with variable capacity and high vulnerability. Covid 19 Environment Impact On Disease And Exposure Prevention Essay
Furthermore, it is widely thought the economic fallout for the continent is likely to be severe and long-lasting.
Many of its countries have a high dependence on commodity exports to China, relatively weak sovereign
balance sheets, high debt burdens and volatile currencies, among numerous other external fragilities. The
disease’s negative impact on the world economy has already translated into a decline in demand for the
primary products that Africa exports, such as oil from Angola and Nigeria and rare minerals from Democratic
Republic of the Congo. The UN Economic Commission for Africa estimates Africa’s growth will drop by 1.4%
from 3.2% to 1.8 % as a result of the coronavirus.
3 Among other things, the decline is due to disruption of global
supply chains and a crash in oil prices that will cost up to US$65 billion in export revenues.4
Furthmore, tourism
has been adversely affected, as international travelers stay home, hurting the economies of South Africa and
Kenya, among others. Investors, confronted with a litany of unknowns about the disease and its consequences,
are fleeing from emerging markets, at least for the time being.
This policy brief assesses the possible vulnerabilities and impacts on Kenya of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Although it is too early to predict the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Kenyan
econ0my, this policy brief uses an adapted World Bank conceptual and methodological framework which was
used to analyse the economic impact of the Ebola virus disease in West Africa 2014-2016 to identify the
pathways of the CODIV-19 pandemic impact on the economy, poverty and inequality, women and girls,
refugees, internal displaced persons (IDPs) and migrants, education, food security and nutrition and
governance and security. There has already been adverse effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the several
sectors of the economy in particular; tourism, agriculture, manufacturing and trade putting people’s jobs and
livelihoods at risk. The policy brief argues that considering the adverse socio-economic impacts of the CO

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