Part 5: Strategies to promote effective and appropriate technologies to support teaching and learning in your school’s literacy or math program

Every institution has requisite math and literacy programs. There are specific strategies
which are appropriate that can be used to promote the process of learning for students. Computer
technology and advancement in technological innovations provide opportunities which enable
better learning environment in schools (Fraillon, 2020). The new technologies extend the
possibilities of contemporary forms of learning such as books, blackboards and social platforms
such as Youtube providing new opportunities for learning. Similarly, since technology forms are
interactive for learners, they can develop environments that they can receive feedback and
thereby build their knowledge and understanding.
Classroom instruction can be enriched with new technologies which helps students in
visualizing difficult to understand concepts in math or literacy program. For instance, students
can also work alongside with the modelling software to aid in the process of visualization that
can also be applied in non-school settings (Fraillon, 2020). Technologies in learning also enable
students to access vast amount of information in form of digital libraries, instant feedback and
different perspectives for inspiration.
Moreover, continuous school improvement in school math, monitoring instructional
practices and assessment in math and continuous assistance to teachers can be fostered with
technology. Technology provides a platform to aid teachers in giving students real-time feedback
which can help students boost their thinking and enable them to easily revise their work through

connected learning platform (Fraillon, 2020). Furthermore, through online learning opportunities
and use of open education resources alongside other technologies is significant in promoting
educational productivity.
Part 6: Strategies for acting with integrity and fairness in supporting school policies and
Staff practices.
Equally, every institution has specific ways that it designs the methods of carrying out its
strategies particularly in embedding school policies. Also, staff practice to further accountability
for each and every student progress in academic and social success. A culture of integrity can be
formulated in the learning environment can be established by incorporating academic honesty in
the learning process (Robinson & Glanzer, 2017). Cultural socialization forms a huge part of a
student development process. Values such as honesty, respect, social responsibility, honor, and
courage are imparted in the process of students’ involvement with their peers which comprise
core principles of academic integrity. Integrity promoted within the classroom, environment
plays a pivotal role in embedding principles of fairness in dealing with other people in society.
Further, cheating in exams should be eradicated by developing competency based
curriculum which does not put pressure on students. Integrity can be increased by incorporating
the same in classroom culture. For instance, teachers should outline the dangers of cheating with
detailed consequences of cheating (Robinson & Glanzer, 2017). Success should be based other
attributes apart from grading system. Learning should be favored first by rewarding students for
their respect for classmates, courage, determination, and respect for classmates.
According to the international Center for Academic integrity, there are five core tenets of
academic integrity. They include honesty, respect, responsibility, trustworthiness and fairness.

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