Part 3, Section 1: Writing Sample: The Connection Between Academic and Professional Integrity

Part 3, Section 1: Writing Sample: The Connection Between Academic and Professional Integrity

Academic integrity is the demonstration of honesty and commitment to moral behavior in an academic environment (Amigud et al., 2017). Academic integrity and writing go hand in hand. Students are required to maintain integrity when writing their assignments and academic papers. One of the practices writers should perform to ensure that they apply academic integrity in their work is to avoid plagiarism by citing and acknowledging the work of other writers they have used to build their work. Another practice is paraphrasing other materials and writing them in one’s own words to avoid plagiarism.

Professional practice can be defined as the work and conduct of a person from a particular profession. Professions are occupations that need long-term training and education for one to achieve the required knowledge (Cohen, 2016). One of the professional practices is the ursing profession. Scholarly ethics can be defined as the set of implicit and explicit characteristics and professional standards that describe an upstanding and ethical member of a scholarly community. The relationship between scholarly ethics and professional practice is that scholarly ethics have been based on professional practices. Fidelity is scholarly ethics that has been widely used in the nursing profession.

Safe Assign, Grammarly, and paraphrasing are some of the tools that have aided in achieving academic integrity. For instance, Safe Assign ensures that a student’s work is free of plagiarism (Safe Assign). The tool can help the instructor the originality of the student’s work by checking the assignment and compare it with other writings that have been submitted. Grammarly also improves academic integrity by checking plagiarism. Paraphrasing also improves academic integrity by helping the student avoid plagiarism.

Part 3, Section 2: Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work

I intend to maintain integrity and ethics in my academic work as a student of the MSN program through the following strategies. First, I would maintain academic integrity by conducting myself fairly, ethically, truthfully, responsibly, and honestly, when doing my academic assignments. For instance, I will do my work by myself without asking other students to do them for me (Amigud et al., 2018). Second, I intend to maintain academic integrity by ensuring my work is free of plagiarism. I will prevent plagiarism in my academic writings by paraphrasing my work and using Grammarly, turn it in, or Safe Assign to check my work for plagiarism and make necessary changes (Amigud et al., 2018).

The last strategy that will help me maintain academic integrity during my professional training is citing sources and referencing appropriately cited sources. I would maintain professionalism and integrity in my professional career as a nurse through the following strategies. First, I will maintain integrity and ethics in my profession by applying justice and fairness when performing my duties. I will ensure that all patients get equal care regardless of their social-economic status.

Second, I will apply fidelity and ensure that I am trustworthy. For instance, when I promise patients that they will receive quality and safe care, I will ensure that I deliver on my promise (Beemsterboer, 2020). Third, I will maintain the integrity by ensuring that treatment plans I propose to patients are harmless and will benefit them (Bollig, 2017). Overall, I intend to maintain integrity in my professionalism by following all the ethical principles designed for nursing practice and healthcare practice as a whole.


Amigud, A., Arnedo-Moreno, J., Daradoumis, T., & Guerrero-Roldan, A. E. (2017). Using learning analytics for preserving academic integrity. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning: IRRODL18(5), 192-210. DOI CopiedAn error has occurred

Amigud, A., Arnedo-Moreno, J., Daradoumis, T., & Guerrero-Roldan, A. E. (2018). An integrative review of security and integrity strategies in an academic environment: Current understanding and emerging perspectives. computers & security76, 50-70. https://do

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