Part 3: Evidence-Based Strategies To Develop High-Performance Inter-Professional Teams


The work environment assessment revealed a host of shortcomings in the workplace that should be addressed using evidence-based strategies. These shortcomings entail ineffective communication, lack of respect, and employees feeling not valued, and low trust levels between them and the management require evidence-based approaches as supported by the literature. The first strategy based on the evidence from the literature is fostering a culture of civility and respect (Clark, 2019). The management and leadership in the organization should consider the ethical, legal, and regulatory implications of incivility in the workplace. Imperatively, they should inculcate a culture of civility and respect, recognize efforts by employees, and develop a teamwork approach to the issue.

The second strategy is to implement models like the DESC-CR approaches that allow the management and employees, through their leaders, to identify deficient areas and respond using effective tools (Lewis, 2023). The management will identify areas leading to reduced morale and employees’ satisfaction, and improve them. They should use models like the root cause analysis (RCA) to determine the cause of low motivation and employee satisfaction (Allison et al., 2022). These strategies are critical to attaining an improved workplace for nurses and other healthcare providers.

Sustaining best practices based on the assessment is critical to improving the workplace environment. In this case, the organization should focus on building cohesive and effective teamwork as advanced by Broome et al. (2021). The organization should also develop and implement collaborative approaches to leadership. These strategies will enhance employee’s participation and perception of their value and contribution in the workplace. As advanced by Lee et al. (2022), these strategies will enable the organization to develop diversity, equity, and civility teams for inclusion and better workplace organizational culture.

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