Part 3: Evidence-Based Strategies to Create High-Performance Interprofessional Teams (1–2 pages) Recommend at least two strategies, supported in the literature, that can be implemented to address any shortcomings revealed in your Work Environment Assessment.

Part 3: Evidence-Based Strategies to Create High-Performance Interprofessional Teams

Inter-Professional Teams

In order to promote a spirit of togetherness, team work and collaboration, employees
should organize frameworks for exchange such as workshops and seminars where concerns of all
stakeholders can be assessed promptly. Indeed, outcome of workplace environment assessment
revealed that home health agency did not communicate transparently with all members
organizations. Communication was shredded in secrecy and held within closed door setup. As a
result, provision of frequent training and education for employees showcases maturity in
professional engagement (Clark & Fey, 2020). Therefore, nurses and other staff equipped with
necessary skills embrace civility in their interactions with patients and workmates.
Furthermore, entrenching inter-professional and intra-professional teamwork is a crucial
strategy which fosters collaboration and teamwork. For instance, disciplines such as physical
therapy and nursing share documented collaboration across team members which automatically
leads to collaboration with health providers. Similarly, collaboration is essential across

disciplines and cadres of relations to improve quality of care, minimize chances of errors, foster
adoption of standardized processes and most importantly integrate sharing of ideas (Pinckney,
2015). More importantly, the difference in opinion between the nurse and doctor in diagnosis for
diabetes patient and one with discectomy could be prevented with robust training on Medicare
guidelines with the aid of staff development coordinator.
Furthermore, to improve communication between various disciplines and entities at
health agency, adoption of DESC framework should be integrated in collaboration with cognitive
rehearsal to correct matters of incivility. To correct top-down communication, transparency,
collaboration and consensus building should be promoted between peers, and create positive
working framework between organization members.
Ultimately, adoption of well-ness incentive plan for employees is critical to achieve
positive outcomes for the employee. While following the plan, employees will be monitored to
ensure that their levels of physical activity, and health indicators such as body mass index. As a
result, a mixture of both financial and non-financial incentives will be provided to those who
perform better (Clark & Fey, 2020). Nevertheless, the leadership should carry out survey on
incentive acceptability and whether it meets the goals of staff.

In sum, a comprehensive description for work environment assessment is carried out for
home health agency. Equally, the results of assessment are highlighted concerning civility of
health based environment workplace. Also, several theories and concepts are assessed with their
applicability to the specific workplace desired to improve communication challenges. Ultimately,
mechanisms of overcoming impediments and enhance successful practices are proposed.



Clapper, T. C. (2018). TeamSTEPPS® is an effective tool to level the hierarchy in healthcare
communication by empowering all stakeholders.

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