PART 2: Strategies for Maintaining Integrity of Work Expand on your thoughts from Part 1 by: Identifying and describing strategies you intend to pursue to maintain integrity and ethics of your 1) academic work while a student of the MSN program, and 2) professional work as a nurse throughout your career. Include a review of resources and approaches you propose to use as a student and a professional.


Issues of misconduct not only affect students but also professionals in different cadres of specialty. As an MSN student, I intend to identify contextual factors that can place me in a precarious state of academic dishonesty in order to maintain integrity during learning (Abbott & Nininger, 2021). I will work to avoid any practice of academic dishonesty by evading all forms of false representation of academic data and cheating. Besides, I intend to establish a locus of control in learning by extracting factual and real studies as a way to elevate my level of originality in the learning process (Sefcik, Striepe & Yorke, 2019). However, when assigned tasks that involve academic writing, I will do my research extensively, paraphrase the work and acknowledge works written by authors through quoting their names in my texts. Notwithstanding, I will use SafeAssign and Grammarly to ensure that my written work does not have any similarities with the published work of other authors.

In my role as a professional nurse, I anticipate to develop a moral principle in my career by maintaining integrity and work ethics during practice. I will remain true to my call as a nurse by delivering services and going beyond the call of duty to provide the best care to patients (West, 2020). I will adhere to the rules and regulations of nursing practice to ensure that my profession provides a meaningful purpose to members of the society I serve. Based on this premise, I will be responsive to my actions towards patients to ensure that I do not violate their rights during care (Abbott & Nininger, 2021). Moreover, I intend to liaise with multidisciplinary teams in the facility I serve so that I gain further insights on nursing practice and to guide me in decision-making as I provide care services to patients with varied health needs.


Academic and professional integrity serve vital roles in nursing practice. Through academic integrity, students learn and develop the principle of honesty so that they develop necessary competency for future practice. Integrity acquired through learning builds confidence in nurses in adhering to the professional codes of practice as they provide service to patients. As such, integrity as a virtue should be instilled onto nurses during elementary learning so that they embrace it in their future practice to improve quality of life of patients.


Cronan, T. P., Mullins, J. K., & Douglas, D. E. (2018). Further understanding factors that explain freshman business students’ academic integrity intention and behavior: Plagiarism and sharing homework. Journal of Business Ethics147(1), 197-220.

Kadam, D. (2018). Academic integrity and plagiarism: The new regulations in India. Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery51(02), 109-110. DOI: 10.4103/ijps.IJPS_208_18

Sefcik, L., Striepe, M., & Yorke, J. (2019). Mapping the landscape of academic integrity education programs: what approaches are effective?. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education

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